Part III: First Day

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POV Ruby
I wake up, startled from my dream. Or, actually nightmare. I was walking through some ruins and finding hideous beasts trying to attack me with strange weapons.
“Rubes! You alright?” Yang says.
“H-huh?” I barely form in my mouth.
“You started screaming out of nowhere.” My sister says back.
“And woke everyone up.” Weiss adds. Her voice sounds really tired.
“W-well, sorry! I had a nightmare…” I finally announce.
“Hmm? What was it about?” Blake asks.
“I-I… would rather not talk about it.” I don’t want to, really. Maybe I should? After all, they are my teammates. We should be open. But…
“C’mon. We need to get ready anyway. Had it not been for Ruby’s outburst, we would’ve been late. We slept through the alarms.” Yang says, cutting off my train of though.
“A-alright.” I say, still a little scared from the nightmare. What were those things, anyways?
POV Qrow
“Ozpin, you still can’t seriously be considering him, can you? We don’t know what he’s capable of.” I exclaim.
“Qrow.” He responds, his voice eerily calm, “We do actually. B312 has told us of his feats and accomplishments. We have no reason as to not trust him, especially with that artifact we found. It all adds up, Qrow. He may be the only thing that can protect us from Grimm. Maybe even Salem, herself.”
I try to accept this, but I just can’t. Yea, the artifact does help his case, but what if he gets power hungry? Then what? He becomes Salem’s little weapon of mass destruction. We can barely stand up to the Creatures of Grimm. I only got lucky with him the first time. He’s truly a monster. “Look, Ozpin, I understand where you’re coming from. He could be the only failsafe we have yet, but what if he gets hungry for power? I fought him myself. Hell, I outnumbered him and he still had the advantage. He didn’t even know this terrain, for crying out loud. I only got lucky with him. He almost decimated Ruby and me at once. Can we really trust a monster like him?”
“You know,” a voice comes from behind me, “I’m a war machine, not a monster. But I am a devil to the Covenant and anything else that may stand in my way.” I turn around and see B312. I must’ve been ranting so loud, I failed to notice the beep of the elevator. “Although, I didn’t come here to smack talk. I came here for the deal. I’m accepting.”
“Oh?” Ozpin says, quizzically. “And why do you accept so soon? It is still only the first dozen hours of the second day.
“Lets just say I have a gut feeling.”
“I see.” Ozpin announces. He stands. “Let us shake hands in celebration of this newfound agreement. He walks to B312 and they shake hands. I stare at them like they’re crazy. I always trusted Ozpin, but isn’t this dangerous? “So, (F/N)? How about you start classes today? After all, it is only the first period still.”
“That’d be fine, Professor.”
“If you need help getting anywhere, ask any of the students. They are a nice bunch. Soon to be proud Hunters. Tomorrow, we will have an initiation for you. And don’t worry, I will personally notify all the teachers of your arrival today. Please go to Professor Port’s classroom for first period. Besides that, you’re free to go.”
B312 nods and leaves. “I’m telling you, Ozpin, this is not going to be a good idea. I don’t trust him. This is going to fall back on us and not in a good way.”
“We’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we, Qrow?”
POV Noble Six
I walk around a few corners and reach a door with the label of Professor Oobleck’s name inscribed on it. I knock on the door. Soon, after much rattling, the door opens to whom I assume the professor is. “Well, this, students, is the Noble Six we’ve been told would be arriving today.” The professor’s voice is quick and a little hard to keep up with. He brushes me to follow him onto his little stage and I listen. I stand in front of the entourage of students. “Mind telling us about yourself and where you came from?”
“Of course, Sir.” I pause, glancing at each individual student. “I’m just a militarily trained male. I was born to be a soldier.”
“So, you’re from Atlas then?”
I remember the small recollection I have from some of what Ozpin has told me. Atlas is a military-like country. It’s well know for the Atlas Military and Ironwood. “Yes. I am indeed from Atlas.”
“And why did you decide to come here instead of going to Atlas Academy?”
“The military does get boring after awhile, especially when you’re forced into it.”
“I see, why don’t you sit next to team RWBY. Raise your hands.” His words come flying out. I glance at them and see the other team from before right behind them.
“Sir, yes, Sir.” I walk up to Ruby and her team.
As soon as I get there, I get bombarded with questions. “Why are you here?”
“How’d you so easily interpret Professor Oobleck?”
“What happened with Professor Goodwitch?”
I sigh and sit down. “For the first two, my talents. The last one: nothing.” I glance at all of them, “And for now, end of discussion. I would like to hear this lesson.” I get odd looks from all of RWBY.
I look back down to the mini stage and listen on to Professor Oobleck. He talks about the history of Remnant and more about it. It seems this professor is the best one for history, being able to quite literally speed through it all. I take a few glances around, seeing almost every student bored. I bring my focus back to the professor.
The class ends after some time and I call Ruby. “Yes, Six?”
“I was told by Ozpin to follow one of the students during today and tomorrow while he gets my initiation ready. Could I follow you?”
“O-oh, yea! Of course.” Her smile breathes an upbeat attitude. “Our next class is with Professor Port. Follow me then.”
I follow her and her team through hallways, finally arriving at Professor Port’s classroom. They all walk in and I enter last. Instead of following them to the seating, I walk to the professor.
“Noble Six, correct?” I nod. “I see. Ozpin told me a small bit about you before last class ended. Good to see new Huntsmen joining the fight. This is Grimm Studies class. Here, you will be taught about how each type of Grimm fights and how to combat them, but also just what they are. I hope you enjoy this class.”
“It will surely be of use for combat, Sir.”
“It will. And I appreciate the respectful attitude. Us professors, don’t always get the respect we deserve.”
“You may go sit where ever you like.”
“Thank you, Sir.” I go sit next to team RWBY and find team JNPR behind them once again. “Grimm Studies class? Sounds interesting.”
Ren responds with, “It depends on who you are. Some of us get bored while others enjoy the class.”
“I believe that’s every class, Ren.” Pyrrha announces.
“Yea, you’re right.”
I bring my attention to Professor Port as he begins he lesson. He gives basic information about Grimm before bringing our attention to a cage. He asks if anyone meets the requirements to be a Huntsmen and asks us to prove it. Weiss volunteers almost immediately. I stand. “Two of you? Both of you think you meet the requirements?” Port asks. “What if we do a vote?” Many of the students seem to agree. “Both of you come down here.” We oblige. Once we reach his level, he grabs Weiss’s hand and raises it, “Raise your hand if you want Weiss to prove herself?” Only Ruby and Jaune raise their hands. “A-and Noble Six?” He attempts to raise my hand and I have to do it for him. Suddenly, almost everyone’s hands skyrocket up. “Well then. Ms. Schnee, please go sit down.” She looks shocked and hurt, but sits down anyway. He walks over to the cage. “Are you ready then?”
“Sir, yes, Sir.” He unlatches the cage and some sort of Grimm comes tumbling out. It glances at its surroundings, but eventually focuses on me.
“This, students, is a boarbatusk.” It charges me and I sidestep. It turns around and charges again. It misses and does a repeat of the sequence. Eventually, it tucks itself within itself and barrels toward me in a wheel-shape.
“The hell?” Its speed increases and I sidestep again. I find a weak-spot in its wheel-like form. I let it barrel toward me. When it gets five feet away, I take one step back. Its horns hit the ground, causing it to bounce upward just barely. Its horns spin around quickly, already reaching me when it gets closer. I grab the horns as it reaches me, stopping its movement. I carry it by its horns as it tries to touch the floor.
“Nicely done, Noble Six!”  He looks at the other students and then back at me, “Not only did you show great assessing skills, but you showed that killing a Grimm isn’t the only way to win a fight against one.” He pauses, “Not to mention, now Ms. Schnee can also fight the Grimm and show her strength as a Huntress. If you would, could you restrain the boarbatusk while she gets down here.”
“Yes, Sir.” I bring it over to the cage, and hold it there, to give a sort of equal footing for Weiss. She gets down to where I was and I spin the Grimm in my hands to where it’s facing her and let it go when she says she’s ready.
Lunch rolls around quickly. Team RWBY and JNPR, as well as me sits down at the same table as yesterday. I slowly take my helmet off and set it on the table. “(F/N), how was Atlas to you?” Weiss asks.
I glance at her as I put a small amount of food in my mouth. After I gulp it down, I announce, “It was fine.”
I can tell Weiss is skeptical of me. “And what were you doing in the woods?”
“I got lost.”
“You should’ve had directions and/or had a guide.”
“I didn’t.”
“Why do you think?”
“Just answer the question!”
“Weiss! Stop bothering him!” Ruby finally exclaims.
I glance at her and continue eating. “Weiss.” I pause. “Why’d you lose your rapier during your fight against the boarbatusk?”
She looks at me in horror. “That’s… that’s…”
“Exactly what I thought.” I finish eating while Weiss mopes.
I’m in that void once again. “Hello?” I say, wondering if that familiar voice would come back.
“Noble Six? Can you hear me?”
“Loud and clear.”
“You must be careful.”
“A monster dwells in Remnant.”
“Wait. How do you know this? How do you know who I am, where I am?” I ask.
“Don’t you remember? I chose you.” I stare blankly into the void and think. “Don’t make a girl wait.”
I finally got it, “Cortana?”
“Took you long enough. And to answer your questions, I was able to implant a trace amount of my data base to your armor.”
“Why have you only contacted me during my dreams?”
“That would be due to the fact that I left only trace amounts and your armor was not made to have an AI.”
“I see. Now what’s this about his monster?”
“After you… died, or whatever you want to call what happened, we were able to fend off the Covenant. Yet, after that, they brought a full-scale attack upon us and the Master Chief and I were sandwiched between the Covenant and the Flood.”
“The Flood?”
“The Flood is what dwells here. They are parasites the height of humans that their sole purpose is to collect biomass. They infect a creatures nervous system and take control of them that way. And this planet is in serious danger if anyone finds their tomb and opens it. I’m afraid you are the only one capable of protecting these people.”
“Understood…” I hesitate, “How’s the war coming along? And what about Earth?”
“We won. And the Earth is safe.”
“That’s… that’s good.”
“Noble Six, I regret to inform you, but I’m losing power. You’re have to wake up now. I’d advise telling Ozpin of this conversation… without phrasing it in a way that makes you sound insane.”
Instantly, I wake. I check my scroll and see I’m late to class. “Great. Already have enough to deal with.” I walk to my first class and open the door, knocking first. I give my apologies and sit down. Almost immediately after that, Ozpin calls for all of us to head to what I would suppose to be my initiation of sorts. While we walk, my mind transfixes itself on the Flood.
I start whispering to myself, “Collecting biomass… Infecting humans to create this biomass… They can’t-“
“(F/N)!” someone’s voice shouts. I look toward the voice. “Finally. I’ve been trying to talk to you for ages now.” Yang says. “I was wondering how you took down that boarbatusk so easily.”
“I’ve had so many years of practice that such a simple minded beast stood no chance.” I respond with. She gives me a weird look, but accepts the answer.
“And also, are you okay?” she asks afterward.
“I’m fine.” She, again, looks at me, and looks back in front of her while we walk. I can tell she didn’t like my answer.
We eventually reach the largish auditorium. We go to random spots and listen to Ozpin who already stands on the stage. “As most of you have probably noticed, especially after yesterday’s events, we have a new student upon us. Due to a few issues, he will go by ‘Noble Six’ and not his real name. Now, if you would, Noble Six, please come up here on stage with me.” I oblige, and walk up to the stage. Once I reach it, Ozpin puts his hand on my armored shoulder. “This, students, is Noble Six.” He puts his head near my helmet and whispers, “Would you mind taking off your helmet?”
“Sorry, Sir, but no.” I say.
“Alright…” He hesitates. “Like I said, this is Noble Six. He excels in both close and far ranged combat. He will be attending this proud academy, but due to the few issues, I will be requiring him to do missions selected by me personally. So, he may not be attending everyday. Besides that, he will be excused for anything he may or may have not done previously. Also, he will have the privilege to go anywhere on the academy’s grounds.” I nudge him.
“You’re going a bit far. You’ll upset the balance of the school.” I whisper.
He ignores me. “And now, Noble Six will be going on a mission to prove himself to you all. Tomorrow, at exactly 9:15, he will be going to Emerald Forest. He will be allowed to use all his weapons and will be forced into a Grimm Hunt. He will need to kill numerous Grimm of each type and will come back to succeed.” Ozpin looks to me, “Be prepared.”


This chapter is shorter than the others... for reasons. The next chapter might be about the same length so sorry about that! But I hope you still enjoy the two chapters nonetheless! Have a great day/night/whatever time it is by you. Seeya next time.
(Also, sorry about the publishing and unpublidhing thing. Forgot to give it an actual title.)

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