Part 1: Chapter 11; Sakusa vs Shinobu

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As Shinobu tossed off her sister's haori and stretched herself out, Sakusa, standing a few metres away from her, removed his crimson-stained haori from off of his shoulders, and wrapped it around his waist.

One by one, the veins across his upper half began to protrude as he brought his muscular arms up, spreading his wingspan with a tight smile on his lips.

"You've actually got me looking forward to this, Kocho, I gotta say!" The crimson-haired teen called out to the Insect Hashira, "You remember the rules of this, don't you?"

"First to get ten clean hits on the other wins, right?" Shinobu replied, getting into her stance.


"But just know," Once again, the pressure on Shinobu's shoulders thickened and she felt a weight on her chest as Sakusa began hopping on his toes, bringing his fists up in front of him.

"If you don't show me that power from earlier, you're not waking up for days!"

Shinobu felt her veins pop out of her forehead. Tch, don't get so cocky, I just have to hit you with the same conviction as when I hit that cliff, shouldn't be too hard since you're just as dense....

"Ready..." He called out,


In the blink of an eye, the two Hashira vanished.

In the center of the clearing, the two crossed blows.

Sakusa fired off a quick succession of jabs, but Shinobu managed to dodge them with ease. She was faster by a slim margin, but when it came to endurance, nobody could rival the Rage Hashira, so she had to end this quick.

She leapt back with her guard still up, but froze when a flying knee came lunging at her.

"DODGE THIS, OR YOU'RE DONE FOR!" Sakusa barked.

D-Damnit! Shinobu just barely managed to escape the blow, getting a cut on her cheek as she somersaulted away.

In the blink of an eye, though, Sakusa followed through and jabbed the unguarded ravenette in the face, sending her flying across the ground with a thud.

Shinobu winced as she got back to her feet, scowling at the boy as she panted slightly. need to learn your place...

Sakusa himself, though, was as confident as ever.

"That's one strike for me~" He said with a smirk, cracking his knuckles.

Shinobu clicked her tongue, and rose back to her feet, keeping her form loose and her mind focused.

She was well aware of the massive size difference between them, and Sakusa was as well. This was never going to be a fight of strength, but one of speed, reflexes and technique. Sakusa wasn't looking for power from her, he saw firsthand how her fighting style and breathing techniques made up for her lack in strength with swift strikes and poisonous concoctions, which is why her test was to get ten clean hits on him, not knock him out with just one.

He was testing her speed, her mind, her conviction, not her strength.

Shinobu had to force herself to keep that in mind.

Phewwww......don't get reckless, Shinobu, just deal out fast attacks, and keep your head and your're faster than him, get past his reach and techniques, and strike his joints and vitals to slow him down!

In an instant, Shinobu vanished from her position, and returned in view and commenced her plan.

The Insect Hashira dashed all around Sakusa, shaking him up with afterimages and varying footwork.

BUTTERFLY : SHINOBU KOCHO (PART ONE)Where stories live. Discover now