Intermission : Inosuke the Tsuguko ; Aia

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Inosuke jolted out of bed the instant he awoke, feeling excitement shake through his very bones.

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!

Today's the day!

Jumping out of his covers and ripping off the black shirt he slept in, the boar boy busted his door down, and made a mad dash down the hall, grinning under his boar mask.

Yes, yes, yes, yes!! Finally, I get to do my long-awaited training with chain man!!

His heart raced in anticipation of the many techniques and methods of training he would get to learn. Kicks, punches, swordsmanship, Inosuke couldn't wait for it all.

Hahahahaha, I can't wait to get my body even more buff! I'll look like a mountain, just like that old man with a missing arm!

Just the very thoughts were enough to make him laugh and howl.

"Buwohahaha, coming through, coming through, coming thr-

"Hold it, fuckhead."

Suddenly, Inosuke ran headfirst right into Sakusa's open hand, and he was snatched off his feet.


Throwing a tantrum and screaming like a wild animal, Inosuke was dragged by the face down towards the kitchen.

"Come on, boar boy." He said as he entered the kitchen, "You gotta eat."

The kitchen itself was located in the center of the Kari manor. The entire main building was incredibly open-concept and spacious, with only the two hallways being the one that led down to Yaguchi's office on the left, and the guest quarters on the right.

The kitchen, main entryway, dining area (which was just a closed-off room with a few tables placed sporadically) and weapons room (every Kari building needs one) were all located in the one large spacious area in the manor, with a large pair of sliding doors leading to the back of the premises.

There, the training areas were located, far from where any damage to the weapons manufacturing, stables, medical office and other facilities could be harmed by the Kari's reckless attacking.

Inosuke didn't bother to learn every location of everything, however, he only cared about the bathroom, kitchen, bed and training areas.

The main branch lived in a separate house in the far left of the walls surrounding the manor, so Sakusa and Yaguchi's were quit far from Inosuke himself.

Now, though, Sakusa was pulling the boar boy into the kitchen area, where one person he hadn't met was cutting up vegetables and putting them in a pot, humming a cheerful tune to themselves.

"Oi, Mother, you got breakfast going yet?"

"Ah, it's almost ready, I'm just doing some more prep for lunch right now, darling!"

Inosuke was dropped into a seat just in front of the woman in the kitchen, and suddenly, his world was turned upside down.

The second she turned towards him, a devastating wave of déjà vu crashed over him.

A middle-aged woman who's beauty lay beyond the realms of description stood before him, flashing a smile that seemed so familiar to him, and yet, he just could not put his finger on where he recognized her from.

Her eyes, bright green like emeralds, peered at him, almost as if she could see right through the boar mask atop his head.

There was one odd thing about her, however.

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