Ch 38. The things we do for love

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Wei Ying pov


The lights of the lamps flicker. I start running towards the center of the temple with the creature behind me, ready to attack. I can feel his killing intent. The corridor doesn't seem to end, but I see the door after a couple of turns. Before I start to feel relief, I shudder; a shadow surrounds me. The creature is pouncing on me, and I can't stop my heart from racing. Then, with one last effort, I, too, jump to the door and close my eyes.

The light is too strong. I smile. The spell we put on the door to capture the monster thankfully worked. I shouldn't say it was due to luck as nothing can escape Lan Zhan's precise hand. Especially this time. With a swift movement, he calls out to Wangji and begins to play. I love this part. Especially since Jiang Cheng lent me Chengquin, these melodies are so ingrained that it didn't take us long to suppress the monster. Poor creature.

At the exit of the temple, the monks are having tea with Madam Yu and Qiren. The head monk says, "Thank you. I will wait for you for the wedding in two days ". Lan Zhan and I bowed our heads slightly and walked away to enjoy the fresh air, the night, and the stars. I have to ask, "how do you feel? "


"Tickling, Dizziness,  headache?"


"Do you want to eat cookies with tomato sauce?"

Lan Zhan frowns. I start to laugh. Okay, we find a bench and look at the moon in silence. I couldn't help but wonder why Wangji doesn't affect him in the same way that Chengquin affects me. Although it doesn't matter if he never remembers our past, it's something I keep asking myself.

Lan Zhan takes my hand, and I rest my head on his shoulder. Facing said creature takes quite a bit of energy. Moments later, Yu walks over, and we follow her to the car. When we return home, we go straight to bed. We are too tired to enjoy the delights of love, yet that does not prevent us from cuddling to sleep.

I smile.

The fearsome Patriarch of Yiling cannot sleep without his husband in this life and the previous ones.


The next day, I help Detective Shen to open the door while he moves the wheelchair outside. Luo is finally dismissed from the hospital, and the two of them can finally go home to celebrate. As we walk through the corridor, I recount the last week to them.

We couldn't arrest Wen Chao yet, but it seems that Wen Ning has a clear idea of where he is headed. He will depart after the wedding, which will be held tomorrow. In the meantime, Wen Qin has joined the merry band of ladies having fun with our wedding, and Wen Lee, his wife, and baby Yuan will be hiding in our home.

As tradition demands, I will be staying with Qiren tonight while the committee decorates our houses for the wedding night. As they are also invited, they will remain at the resort too.

Funny thing, Lan Zhan and I already performed most of the traditions months ago when we thought Qiren wouldn't support us. So it was a surprise to see all the family involved. When we arrive, I see Rui and Qin in the garage carrying a few bags inside the car with the help of Qiren. I go to them to help, but they hurriedly put the bags inside and close the car door. 

Ahh? Why is Qiren red of embarrassment? 

I halt. "Eh, mmm, hi, I brought the guests, and I will show them their room. Do you want me to prepare the dinner too?"

They nod, and Rui leaves. Qiren returns to the house after she leaves. While I wanted to ask what they were planning, I dared not. Some things are better unknown.

Soon dinner was served, and wine was flowing. All our guests join

Wine and Lan doesn't mix well. 

"And now my son is going to be married. How is this happening so early? Soon I will be called grandpa. Grandpa!!. I am not ready to become a grandpa!!"

I want to laugh, but I decide not to. Qiren continues his ranting.

"It sometimes still boggles my mind that the two kids I raised and saw them as sons are going to marry each other. First, I thought that I had failed as a parent. But, then, I didn't plan to get a husband to my nephew when I brought you home," he wails while pouring more wine in his cup.

"More than once, I found myself in the front of your parents' grave asking for their understanding playing Inquiry. I apologized to them many times; my Lan Zhan was a good kid, so you were. Finally, I begged them if they could please give their blessing to you two. But, unfortunately, I received no answer." he gulps his wine in one go.

"In the following months, I witnessed the two of you carry on as usual, and when you were in that hospital bed," he pauses and holds my gaze "I swore to God that if you wake up again, I would love you and support you two no matter if the dead never answer my prayers."

I hugged the older man, and he continued this time with old, embarrassing stories about us.

When his brother and sister-in-law died, he brought the kids home, and after trying to play Inquiry without the knowledge of Qiren, Lan Zhan had a high fever and started to have nightmares that only stopped when I arrived home.

That was the moment when he knew he had made the right decision. Time and time again, he was proved right. For example, when the director called him to my school because I was involved in a fight. Only to learn that another student was harassing Lan Zhan, and I was defending him. 

Or when I knocked the guy that talked shit about Yanli in her engagement party, which made him proud until I dragged the future groom into the pool, and how from there onwards, my eyes looked different.

So, he noticed.

Shen was usually a severe guy, but when his friend was around, he changed. They were pretty amused with all the family drama, and their cheeks were a little bit colored due to the wine. I noticed that Luo's eyes tend to shine every time Shen smiles. 

A little bit later, I led our guests to their rooms and carried Qiren to his bed. Then, at last, I went to my room one last time. 

Most of my things are already in our apartment, so the room looks quite empty. Only the bed, a chair, and a drawer remain. So that's it, tomorrow I will become a married man. But, weighing it all, it hasn't been bad. 

I woke up with the sound of laughter in the kitchen. They are here. 


I offered a wedding in this chapter, but I was having too much fun writing this part. Also, the idea was to close some arcs before the wedding. 

The next chapter is being edited. So it will be published very soon. 

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