Ch 4. Family matters

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Lan Zhan POV

I wake up. It is a little before 5 am. I am sweating and panting heavily as I remember this dream, you, gracefully landing in front of me, your damn smile, one jar of Emperor's Smile broken, and the blood you spilt again for us.

Even if you are not here now, I will wait for you. Then and now. So, as usual, I make the bed and prepare breakfast. I am pretty excited about the future and will tell our son about you and our extended family. Uncle is unhappy that I decided to keep our son apart from you, but he doesn't remember much of what happened before the accident. He doesn't recognize Wen Qing's photos, nor does Wen Ning, but he remembers love. Somehow the kid knows our song; somehow, Ah-Yuan got skills in music too and chooses the path you decided: To serve and protect. He has grown so well.

Discussing all the preparations for the big day kept most of our time together busy. So, in the end, Shizui didn't eat the necessary. He will be fine, but you probably will be a bit upset that I am not that good as a replacement for you. Thought come to think of it, you used to bury our boy in the soil as a prank. Yeah, I am an awesome dad.

After cleaning the house a bit, I go to work. The agency is pretty dull nowadays. Since the coming of social networks, most requests have been related to infidelities' suspicions. It pays the bills, though.

"Good morning, sir," says a female voice. I look at the stone face woman that works for me now. 

"Good morning, Miss Ling."

"Your brother is here in your office."

" What?"

"He says there are family matters that need to be discussed," said my assistant.

I nod and enter the office.

"Good morning, Brother." Xichen looks a bit worried but still can show his smile.

"There are a few things we need to talk about," he says

I served some tea.
"First, you should know that Wei Ying had just woken up. Uncle told me he was fine. Would you like to see him?"

I remember our last meeting; he promised we would be together again, and then he got injured because of me. I can only close my fists and say, "Not now. There are things we need to tell him first, and he must be dying to see Sizhui, so arranging their meeting will be the priority. Please ask uncle to organize it soon. Lan Xichen nodded."

"There is another issue," he said. "You know me well, brother. You know about my secrets, dreams, and the despair I entered when I lost Nie Mingjue." I looked at him. His semblance had darkened with just saying that name. He proceeded to open his briefcase showed me some photos.

A young yet highly muscular man's battered body was lying on a dark floor. There are frozen silver leaves everywhere. Bloodstains covered his body, and a substantial part of his arm showed many needle marks. Torture signs in his arms showed his death wasn't an easy one. Unfortunately, Nie MingJue's body was never recovered, so we never knew the extent of his suffering until now.

The second photograph showed this same man alive and happy hugging another man in red clothes. They were both sitting at a casino table. Since Nie MingJue and Wen Ruohan were close, I never discussed the extent with my brother. There was also someone else there in the background: Meng Yao. However, what was much more disturbing was the object behind hanging in the wall: The stygian tiger seal. It was a legend for many, but I knew it was real.

The last picture was more benign for everyone, a boy playing the flute in dark robes. It was a sweet photo, trees, a hill, and the smiling boy. However, I knew the boy and the flute. Wei Ying and Chengquin.

"The photos came with this note "the end is nigh; you have ten days to confess,"- Said my brother, handing me the note. "I do not know what I am supposed to confess. I am ready to face my feelings for Nie Mingjue, but I don't want to spoil his memory in everyone's mind. He was the idol actor of many girls, a model person. I don't have the right to do that to him."

" We need to investigate first. Who wants you to confess and what exactly" I said to my brother. "I should head first to the former casino of Wen Ruohan. Please ask uncle if he has ties with the current users of that building, and then you should go home and talk to Jiang Chen about this. He must be prepared".

" Yeah," he sighed, "thank you."

We said our goodbyes, and I escorted him to his car.

"You know," he said, "you should go and see Wei Ying soon. After all, you were in the hospital by his side so often; that we were worried you would abandon the world if he died".

He closed the door and left.

I sighed; I had the feeling that Wei Ying and I would meet soon.

And I will have to tell Wen Qing. 

Did I mention this was going to be angsty? 

It is angsty, but it will have a happy ending. I hope to do justice to these beloved characters and their extraordinary ability to love.

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