Ch 14. Dream team

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Lan Zhan POV

As the cops and forensics look in the perimeter, Wei Ying and I fill forms.

"You know Lan Zhan since you are not an active member of the force, you do not need to fill these"

"I might not be active, but I am a responsible citizen contracted by the government to solve complex cases. So I have to fill out forms too. Should I list you as the lead detective in this investigation?"

"Yes, don't forget about listing Wen Ning too."


"When are you going to ask?" he says

"When we go home", I answer, "I have prepared your favourite soup already".

We returned to the precinct and tried to come up with an understanding of the leads we had.

"Ok. First, we have the murder and disappearance of an idol. Second, Nie MingJue haters were considered guilty, and a woman called Luo Ming was charged for threatening messages but never convicted. The evidence handed seems to imply that it was related to the case against Wen Ruohan, but I thought they separated long before his fall of grace from the public view".

"They were, according to brother," I say. "However, it might have been a threat against Ruohan. In any case, it seems that someone wants that us uncover the truth about his death. However, it doesn't make sense that this person has waited so many years".

"It has if you think they wanted us to be involved. Not just you or me, but both- we look at each other".

"So you think it has to do something about the magical collection of Wen Ruohan and the Stygian Tiger Seal?"

"Yes," he grimaces. I know how much he hates his creation. "Wei Ying, that thing doesn't work any longer", I say.

"I know, and we also need to find out what is Xue Yang doing here. I thought he had left the country, and Song Lan" Wei Ying scratches his chin and sits in the chair, defeated.

"So, we should go after our usual suspect?" I said, and he grins

"Yeah, sure, I haven't seen him in a while. So we made a couple of calls and left the precinct with Wen Ning and the kids in tow".

We don't need to drive much since the office of Nie Corporation is just 10 minutes away. As we enter, we announce ourselves.

"Good afternoon, we are from the police. We would like to talk to Nie Huaisang, please".

"Good afternoon, are you, detective Wei and Lan, I presume?"

We nod

"Follow me. Our boss has told us you will come soon".

As the door opens, we see Huaisang smiling calmly at us.

"It has been quiet for some time. Please have a seat".

"So, when were you planning to tell us?"

"I am sorry. I do not follow".

"Master Nie, when you don't say the truth soon if you wait, it might be difficult that someone still listens".

He sighs

"A month after you appeared in the news due to a "car crash", Wen Ruohan called me and asked me to visit him in prison. He said that while being investigated, someone threatened to kill all of his loved ones if he didn't hand over all of his bank accounts overseas and his art collection. But, as he was under strict surveillance, he could do little".

He asked his remaining family members to hide, you know, the ones that were not in prison, and he handed the accounts he had in Panama, but not the ones in Switzerland since there was a different procedure to access them. He never expected they would go after my brother since they parted ways before he ran into trouble. He apologized and said he never stopped loving him. A week later, he committed suicide, or so we were told.

"You could have asked me to come before," I said.

Nie Huaisang puts his hand on his forehead and sighs. "I had the feeling that the accident that Wei had wasn't an accident. So, both incidents might have been related. Also, you weren't an active member of the police by then. So Lan Qiren might have dismissed this confession as an attempt to get a reduction of penalty. So you guys were the most likely to believe me".

"Is Mo XuanYu working for you?"

He nods "what did he do?"

"his cousin is dead."

"What?" A voice says

We look in the direction and only see a mirror.

Huaisang slaps himself. We gasp. A minute later, Mo Xuanyu enters the room.

"It wasn't me" we kind of guessed that.

Huaisang says, "I apologize on his behalf. His head is quite broken. He is a good boy, and he is brilliant. Please take care of him". We grin at each other and leave. Xuanyu waves goodbye, but I drag him out to our car despite his protests.

As we go to our car, I ask Xuanyu, "What have you heard about a man called Xue Yang?"

"The self-called spiritual master?" he wonders, and I nod.

"Not much. Today was the first time that I saw him. He is in the same trade that I am sometimes, but we never met".

"What is exactly your trade?" I ask

"I collect spiritual antiques". He smiles and says, "So we are a team now?" I nod.

He laughs "at the end. We have our dream team."

I sigh. I bet that If I use a silent spell, Mo Xuanyu will enjoy it. Wei Ying grins and holds my hand. After that, we left Xuanyu under Wen Ning's care and drove home.

There are promises left to fulfil.

The next chapter should have some smut, but it will be very light since some readers are minors.

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