A Secret?

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(I just would like to point out that none of there characters are mine. They belong to the amazing author of the Harry Potter books, J.K Rowling. I hope you enjoy!)

When James, Sirius and Peter entered the common room, they noticed that the room was empty except for their friend, Remus. Remus was writing in a book and when the boys got a closer look, they noticed that it was a journal.

"A journal? What secrets have you got written in there?" Sirius questioned jokingly as he made a grab for the book.

Remus shut the book and sprung out of his seat. He backed into the wall as the other boys surrounded him as a joke. To their surprise, Remus kept the book hidden behind his back.

"We're only joking Rem," James chuckled as he popped some left over chocolate into his mouth, "Say, Let's trade! Chocolate for the book?"

James knew Remus adored chocolates. So when he asked this, he was expecting Remus to give in and hand them the book. But to his surprise, he was wrong.

Remus smiled weakly and dashed up to the dormitories.

"What do you reckons in there?" James raised an eyebrow.

"Don't know" Peter shrugged as he took a piece of James' chocolate and stuffed it into his mouth, "Remus never passes chocolate though. It must be serious."

"We'll ask him in Defence Against The Dark Arts," Sirius yawned as they waited for their friend to come down. When he did, they set off to the classroom.

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