Four to Three Marauders

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After the lesson, Lily and Remus packed their bags quickly and were the first ones out of the classroom.

"Oy Remus! Evans!" James' voice rung through the corridor as the pair hurried forward, Hey! Wait!"

Lily knew that James wasn't going to give up easily. She turned to Remus and whispered to him to carry on to the library and then turned to James.

"What do you want Potter?"

"To speak to you and," he noticed Remus walking away, "Remus!"

"Don't bother," Lily scowled at the black haired boy, "He doesn't want to talk to you. Why don't you hurry off to the common room with your other troublemaker friends?"

"They're going without me because I need to ask you something..."


"Well I was going to ask Remus..."

"Too late, He's gone."

"I know but," James shifted anxiously, "maybe you could pass this onto him?"

Lily narrowed her eyes, "What's you question?"

"Sirius, Peter and I want to know..."
"His secret? No. Haven't you ever heard of this word?"
"What word?"

"Starts with P and it has seven letters."

"Erm... package?"

"No, privacy! Now get lost Potter."
And with that, Evans hurried to the Library after Remus.

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