Someone's moody

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The marauders awkwardly sat in the great hall eating dinner. Remus realized that his friends hadn't been paying attention to the class and that they didn't know that the boggart changes into your fear. Instead, they thought it changed into the full moon randomly. However, Sirius was beginning to get frustrated with Remus.

"Secrets are meant to be kept a secret," Remus huffed as he stuck his fork into a potato.

"We're your friends!" Sirius fumed as he aggressively cut his steak, "I'm offended you aren't telling us!"

"Mate its just a secret," James whispered worrying that it was getting to intense between his friends.

"What's the secret!?" Sirius yelled angrily so that it drew the whole halls attention.

"Sirius!" Remus finished the last of his food and jumped up, " Trust me, we wouldn't be friends if I told you."

"We already aren't friends!" Sirius yelled franticly.

Remus paused shocked. Many people in the hall were staring at the drama now. Having enough, Remus picked up his bag and quickly stormed out of the Great Hall.

"Jerk," Sirius shouted so Remus could here.

Sirius scowled as he began to receive many hatred staresand a comment from Lily Evans saying, "Honestly. You four act so stupid!"

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