Lily to the Rescue!

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(I hope you have been enjoying my story so far! If you would like me to improve my writing or to write a harry potter fanfiction you suggest, feel free to leave a review or a comment!)

Remus took refuge in his favourite place in Hogwarts, the library. Remus was glad that no one was present and started crying silently in a corner. Remus had been most exited about being allowed to go to Hogwarts to see children his age and make friends. Now his only friends had unfriended him in front if the whole school. Remus even considered sending a letter to his parents asking to come home.

Remus was soon took surprise when a gentle hand was placed on his shoulder. He looked up to see Lily smiling sweetly at him. He cowered backwards in shame.

"Don't be like that Remus," she comforted, "I always knew they were trouble."

Remus laughed at this. It was true. A few months ago when they had started Hogwarts, Lily had admitted to him that she hated James.

" They'll come around soon enough, do you mind telling me the whole story?"

Remus sighed and explained.

"I see," said Lily in a soft voice, "Do you mind sharing that secret with me?"

Remus shook his head, trying to prevent more tears from spilling.

"That's fine," Lily smiled and sat down next to the crying boy.

"I don't really want to go near them for the next few days," Remus admitted quietly, "I have a feeling they might give me a hard time."

Lily nodded understandingly, "Would you like to hang out with me for a few days?"

"What about Severus?"

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure he will understand."

"Thanks Lily," Remus breathed a sigh of relief.

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