Defence Against The Dark Arts

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"Who can tell me what a boggart is?" Professor Chaz asked the students who were lazily slumped on desks.

Remus' hand shot up in the air first making Sirius laugh.

"Yes Mr.Lupin?"

"It's a creature that takes the form of a persons greatest fear sir," Remus proudly stated.

"Correct! And do you know where boggarts like to live and hide?"

"In cupboards and boxes sir," Remus answered positively.

"Yes," Professor Chaz stepped towards the cupboard and fiddled with the lock.

When he was sure the teacher wasn't looking, Sirius whispered into Remus' ear.

"So, are you going to tell us what that secret was?"

"No," Remus hissed frustratedly as he tried to pay attention to what was coming outside of the cupboard.

"So you admit you have a secret?" James smiled cheekily while not paying attention to what the teacher was doing.

"Wha-No-I mean- Sirius look out!"

Sirius turned to sea his mother standing in front of him. She wore Black robes and her hair was tied up in a bun. Her cold, mean beady eyes bore into Sirius. Behind Mrs.Black stood Sirius' father, Orion, Sirius' brother, Regulus, and Sirius' three cousins, Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa. Sirius took a big gulp.

"Focus Mr.Black!" Professor Chaz was advising behind him, "Remember what I said. Ridikulus."

"Ridiculous!? How is this ridiculous!?" Sirius spat as his mother began to take out a belt. Many students gasped.

"Were you not paying attention to what I said before?" Professor Chaz sighed disappointedly, "Lets see. Ah, Mr.Lupin. Can you please step in front and show Mr.Black how its done?"

"Certainly Professor," Remus stepped Infront and almost fell over when he saw what the boggart had turned into. A glowing full moon shined on the students as Remus weekly observed it. Then he muttered, "Ridikulus," and the moon changed into a balloon.

"Well done Remus!" Professor Chaz applauded.

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