Kindred Spirits

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Love is passion, obsession... Someone you can't live without. I say fall head over heels. Find someone you can love like crazy and who will love you the same way in return... How do you find them? Well...  Forget your head and listen to your heart... And I'm not hearing any heart. Cause the truth is, honey, there's no sense living your life without this. To make the journey and not fall deeply in love, well, you haven't lived at all. But you have to try, cause if you haven't tried, you haven't lived.

Character Introduction

Character Introduction

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Carlisle Cullen

"In the long run, the most unpleasant truth is a far safer companion than a pleasant falsehood."

Esme Cullen

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Esme Cullen

"People don't cry because they're weak. They've just been strong for too long."

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Kindred Spirits {Edward Cullen x Male! Oc}Where stories live. Discover now