Chapter 04: Memory Lane

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Edward had been leisurely wandering through the town, thinking of only Jayden Royal. He didn't know what to do. Return the tapes? Endure the unknowing and ignore the relentless urges to quench his curiosity. But, in the end, his urges got the better of him. Eventually, he found himself back at his home with Alice sitting on the porch stairs waiting for him. "I didn't tell the others. They're all out hunting. But Jasper wanted to watch, too." she informed, then flitted into the main living room, both Alice and Jasper were already there in front of the television ready to do.

"I couldn't help it, but I found these home videos. I'm hoping there's something in here to help me figure this human out." Edward explained as he inserted the first tape and pressed play.

The old video began with grass and dirt before the camera turned upward to show a much younger Jayden attempting to play baseball horribly. But the encouragement from his older brother never faltered with his cheers and compliments. It was clearly a happy memory that should forever be cherished.

The second video began very differently from the previous. This time they saw a music store. Jayden sat by himself with a familiar guitar in hand. He looked much older, no more than twelve. He wasn't completely terrible, though still needed lots of work. "I'm getting this one. It feels good on the hands and the tuning sounded just about on key. Can I get it, Blaine? Please, please, please?" he practically begged.
They then heard Blaine chuckle behind the camera, "You got it, bud. But you have to keep at it once it's yours." Jayden cheered happily as the video ended.

The third tape was Jayden's sixteenth birthday. There were streamers and balloons everywhere. They could see Jayden and a different brunette sir come into frame and hopped into a nearby golf cart. Edward furrowed his brow with confusion, seeing as the cart was facing a steep flight of stairs. Only when they had started the simple vehicle and moved a little forward did they see where they were headed. Just as the cart reached the first step, they both then jumped out at the very last second. Laughter erupted from the intoxicated teens as they watched the cart go tumbling down, breaking in different places as it went. Even Alice, Jasper and Edward were laughing a bit at the scene. "Never done that before." she mumbled with great amusement.

When they inserted the fourth tape, they found the cameraman secretly recording two boys enjoying New Year's together on the couch in their apartment. '3!...2!...1!... Happy New Year!' they heard in the background. As the two boys turned to share a loving and passionate kiss, the three vampires watched with surprise as they closed the distance between them.

The fifth tape that was played was immediately different from all they'd watched previously. Suddenly they saw the inside of a church, Jayden was at the front podium with a paper in hand. He took a deep breath and began his speech. "Death leaves a heart ache no one can heal; love leaves a memory no one can steal." Jayden began, then paused to compose himself completely. "I am proud to say that my Sammy was such a wonderful man. Not only was he a fantastic partner, but a fantastic son, brother, classmate, friend, and so much more. I am lucky to have had him as my second half, because he was the only person who could truly understand me. No matter how bad it got, he could always be able to see right to the problem. He wouldn't just fix those issues in the most outlandish ways; he'd also help me to confront them and handle things accordingly. He was always able to make me feel happy, comfortable, secure and loved."

Jayden then paused to collect himself before continuing. "Sammy was my inspiration. He supported me for my every decision and mistake. But, to be honest, I don't really know how to live without him now. I don't know how to start and continue my journey without him by my side. I just can't accept the fact that he's gone so quickly.

"I thought we'd be able to face together all the challenges in life. I though we could even travel the world once we saved up enough." Tears began to relentlessly trickle down his face as he struggled to continue. "The only thing I have now are those haunting memories. Though still, I will never forget them. The good and the bad."

Taking a deep breath, he then looked upward. "Thank you for being a part of my life, Sammy. For me, this is not yet the end of us because I know that you'll still be watching over me. I love you so much, Sam. No matter what happens, you'll always have a place in my heart."

Edward watched with absolute attentiveness like never before. The obvious agony as he spoke was something he wished more than anything to never see again. When the video skipped to a dark screen, all three of them watched carefully. The screen then brightened to show Jayden laying shirtless in bed. "You're godly in this light." they heard a new voice say behind the camera.

Jayden chuckled as he covered his face with a massive, blissful grin. When the cameraman lay beside him, he stared into their eyes with nothing but pure adoration. "Marry me." he muttered softly, bearing his soul without hesitation.

They heard another chuckle, "What would your parents think? And your brother? They don't even know we're together."

Jayden sighed with an even bigger grin. "It's none of their business. Marry me." was all he said. The video then cut off and ended abruptly. 

After a long moment of thinking over what they had just saw, Edward then put the tapes neatly away in their original box. He finally understood, if even only a little, what he was going through. From then on did he know that there was no longer an option to keep his distance. Even if he wanted to, he'd never be able to stay away without knowing more. It was a slippery slope, he knew for certain. But it was a dangerous slope he was willing to conquer. Jasper looked at Edward, dumbfounded by his sudden and complete change.

To Jasper, he was able to feel everything around him and act accordingly. From his brother, he could feel excitement, intrigue, empathetic sorrow and even adoration. He was no longer mopy, indifferent and even hateful. Now that this Jayden person had come along, he was more optimistic, curious, and even joyful. Just as Alice felt, Jasper too hoped for the best outcome for both Edward and Jayden.

The young human sir was obviously intelligent and had a likeable way about him. But Edward knew there could be no true friendship. Jayden was human and oblivious to the supernatural world. How could they possibly be friends when a cold-blooded and very dangerous vampire was the choice to be had? He'd have to keep his distance; for the betterment of both his family and the fragile human boy. His mind was at war with itself. He wanted more than anything to be allowed the chance to get closer. To truly understand. To have a companion who could understand him in turn. But he couldn't let Jayden be thrown into harm's way just because he didn't stop himself in the first place. Would he be able to ignore his intense urges and remain anonymous, or would curiosity win? Only time could tell. Time he felt he didn't have. Nor did he have a genuine choice on the matter.

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