Chapter 07: Getting Closer

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Walking out of the main office, Jayden felt Blaine smack him upside his head. "What the hell have I taught you?" he demanded as they walked towards their car.

Jayden rolled his eyes with great annoyance exuding from him entirely. "I didn't even–"

"No. What the hell have I taught you?" he pressed, not in any mood to hear half-assed excuses.

He sighed heavily as they reached their car. "Never in public." he answered submissively, averting his eyes from his brother's all seeing gaze.

Blaine shook his head, "Get in the car." then slammed his door shut behind him. Once they were both inside and ready to go, the vehicle was started and they were off. Not even two minutes into the drive, the eldest brother exhaled deeply. "What did they do?" came his only inquiry. He knew for certain the fight would not have occurred at random.

With a scoff, Jayden looked out his window in an attempt at hiding his genuine sorrow; masking it with anger. "They somehow found out that I'm a fag. Guess it didn't sit well with the hick neanderthals." he grumbled. He had no idea why people in general get personally offended by things that are not by choice, have no bearing over their lives, or are simply different from their perspective right and wrong. His answer caused silence to envelope them completely.

Once at their home, they both got out and headed straight for the front door. Blaine then unlocked the barrier, gaining access to their place of peace and sanctuary.

~~~ Edward's P.o.V ~~~

The moment Jayden and his brother Blaine had left the school property altogether, I couldn't care or think about anyone or anything as I followed them all the way back to their home. Making sure I remained unseen, I watched as they went inside. Once out of sight, I then climbed a tree and settled in for my first night of proper observation.

When I tried to hear his older brother's mind, I again heard nothing. It was quite peculiar, unsettling; but still needed to be figured out none-the-less. Though, their trustworthiness seemed to be genuine and completely undeniable. I then fell helplessly into my thousands of memories to pass the time. The only thing that offered genuine salvation and a brief distraction. Though, Blaine and Jayden weren't talking. They ate dinner and promptly went to their rooms. I wasn't going to enter the residence. I forced myself to ignore the urge and continue with simple surveillance.

By the time two a.m. rolled around, I felt extreme curiosity and fascination as I watched Jayden carefully exit his room from his window. He proceeded to climb up and onto the roof, his guitar having been secured to his back as he went. Tilting my head subconsciously, I began to feel eager for him to begin playing. For when he played, his soul could practically be seen as well. I felt myself fall into the clutches of intrigue and desire. Then he began.

"This is erosion
Grinding up rocks with your molars
A big fish swims past your rod
You can't catch it, it's far too fast
Deep hook marks in rubber lips
I see your eyes in the flowers
I'll pick a bunch for your room
Green and blue to match your pictures"

Tears again pooled within his eyes before streaming down his cheeks. Something that bothered me straight to the core.

"You look so good in green
I hope you're well
And you look so good with him
And I'm proud of you still
I miss your perfect teeth
I was too blunt
I hope you feel happy, that's all I want
That's all I want..."

His tempo then changed; a detail I barely registered in my mesmerized state. All I could think of was the glory within him. To me, he was nothing short of remarkable. I felt incredibly grateful, though for what, I didn't know.

"Mess in the kitchen I was so disappointed
I guess I got to my head
And I was too young to understand it
I get it now that it's too late
I never stopped feeling guilty
I'm over it, I promise that
I just gotta sing it out of me"

How could such a young human have such a godly voice and impeccable skill? How could one so young seem so anciently sad? I had to know. I needed to know. I would know.

"You look so good in green
I hope you're well
And you look so good with him
And I'm proud of you still
Take care of my shirt, warm and red
I hope you think of me still as your friend
I hope you love yourself, your body and heart
I hope you feel happy, that's all I want
That's all I want..."

Once the song had ended, Jayden then laid back to look up at the virtually endless universe above, seeing as it was a rare cloudless night. His brief relief came from the lack of rain, allowing him to cease his chance without hesitation.


People don't arrive broken. They start with passion and yearning, 'till something comes along that disabuses them of those notions. Some people stay broken while others pick up the pieces and put them back together with all the sharp edges showing. Jayden was no stranger to that fact.

As days passed into weeks, the rumors and bullying towards his homosexuality increased instead of fading away. He even got a nickname of 'Fruit Cake' from virtually everyone in school. Those that didn't partake were Bella and the Cullens. He didn't care for others' homophobia or opinions. He just didn't want to be harassed over something he couldn't control.

During his school days, Jayden spent most of his torturous time alone. His isolation wasn't entirely voluntary, though he enjoyed it all the same.

Edward scanned any mind he could in order to watch Jayden. But, to be honest, it had unexpectedly become frustrating due to the trivial minds' chatting from all around him. It didn't feel like looking for a needle in a haystack. It was more like trying to find a specific needle in a pile of needles. It wasn't impossible, just a bit more difficult.

He saw Jayden walking through the parking lot and proceeding to leave altogether. Moving at a swift but human pace, wanting to get to him before he made it to the desired exit. "Hey, Jayden!" he called, immediately causing him to turn around at the usage of his name.

"What it do?" Jayden asked, curious on what his purpose for talking to him was.

A foreign sense of anxiety wracked his mind relentlessly. "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime. You don't have to, of course. I just didn't like seeing you sitting by yourself."

With a small smile of appreciation on his face, Jayden then nodded after some consideration. "I'm down. Wouldn't mind having a friend again." Pulling out a blank scrap of paper and a pen, he wrote down his personal number and gave it to him. "Let me know the details. See ya." then walked away, leaving behind a smiling Edward Cullen.

Kindred Spirits {Edward Cullen x Male! Oc}Where stories live. Discover now