Chapter 06: Getting in Trouble

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Jayden was blissfully unaware of what was waiting for him in the cafeteria. Unbeknownst to him, Jessica had been spreading rumors and vagaries as quickly as she could out of retaliation for her rejection. By the time lunch came around, the entire school had heard everything she wanted them to know.

As he walked through the door, the change in atmosphere was virtually visible. It made him more uncomfortable than his first day. Deciding to pay them no mind, he went to get food with what little money he had with him. But before he could even get in line, a taller jock by the name of Glenn Spinster blocked his path completely. He was a dirty blond senior with heavy acne and hatred in his eyes. "I'm not having some fairy contaminating everyone else's food." he sneered hatefully, loud enough for the entire cafeteria to hear.

Everyone in the room had gone completely silent as they watched and listened to everything that was happening. Quirking an eyebrow with confusion, Jayden voiced his genuine confusion. "What are you talking about?" he asked slowly, preparing himself for anything and everything that could happen in those tense moments.

"I'm talking about you, faggot. Get out of my cafeteria before you get your ass handed to you. But I'm sure you'd get off on it anyway, pig." Glenn went on aggressively, stepping into his personal space in an attempt at intimidation. 

With a dangerous glare, Jayden did his best to remain outwardly calm. "Get out of my way." he practically growled, fed up with the entire confrontation.

The jock scoffed with derision, "You're gonna have to make me, freak."

"Very well." Jayden then kicked at the side of Glenn's knees faster than he could anticipate, causing him to stumble off his feet. Though, as he dropped, the furious teen slammed his knee into the jock's face for good measure. Once the bully was completely on the floor, he glared dangerously into his eyes alone. "Know your place." He then walked away and out of the cafeteria entirely, heading straight for the front office to 'turn himself in' so to speak.

Everyone present was completely silent with unsure confusion or were simply in awe. Glenn had always been that guy that everyone knew of and knew to avoid. There was no surprise in his target choice, considering his lack of history and the rumor of his homosexuality being spread like wild fire. But the reaction that was given? It was completely unthinkable.

After Glenn was on his feet with nose bleeding profusely and was escorted to the office as well, the room practically exploded with people talking excitedly. All except the equally surprised Cullen clan. To them, Jayden had became far more unique than ever. He had hidden facets, secrets, and untold knowledge that could only be revealed by Jayden alone. Emmett was beyond excited to get to know the new kid. Jasper, too, wanted to know more, but wanted to find out from afar. Seeing as there was exposed blood, Alice took him out of the room as subtly and quickly as possible. Rosalie was curious, but mainly intrigued. Especially due to his immunity, his subconscious ability to ward off both Edward's and Alice's abilities without even realizing. They all knew he had to be figured out. None knew and felt that more than Edward himself.

After he had returned the very personal home videos without leaving a trace of his visit, he found it beyond difficult to keep his distance. Everything about Jayden drew him in. His scent was other-worldly. Indescribable even by the oldest and smartest minds. It was all too consuming and euphoric. His mere existence was enough to madden him, taking over his every thought and emotion. It felt as though some foreign entity had taken hold of his very soul with an unbreakable grip. What surprised him the most was that he didn't mind. The unusual experience was welcomed with open arms and without hesitation. As though Jayden was the gatekeeper to unimaginable paradise. In some way or another, he was probably right. Edward was the moth drawn to the burning flame of potential that made up Jayden. Even if it brought the ultimate downfall, he'd still be transfixed and over all compelled to continue forward. To fly into the destructive embrace of the somewhat elegant flames of irreversible death. If that was the price for knowing more about Jayden, then he'd pay in full and then some.

Knowing exactly what punishment would be given, Edward quickly came up with a plan to gain more time while he could. He knew what he'd have to do to spring  his new friend out of detention and not make a scene too dramatic. The following day would be for attending detention, to which Jay most definitely would be attending. But before fun, he needed to figure out exactly who caused the fight to occur in the first place.

Sifting through mind after mind, Edward scoured the school for the original perpetrator of the spreading rumors. Some say Jayden was a delinquent fresh out of juvie and still on probation. Others say he was just let out of psychiatric ward. But most of all, he'd been forcibly labelled homosexual. The more he listened, the more infuriated he became. How dare they treat another like them so cruelly, all because of something that can't be controlled. Even though it was just thoughts and quiet gossiping, Edward felt the strongest of urges to protect Jayden in any way he could.

It didn't take him long to find the correct mind to have started everything. Jessica Stanley. His hatred for the young human girl was astonishing to say the least. When she first obsessed over Edward and fantasized relentlessly, he ignored her to the fullest extent. But being rejected to her face by Jayden seemed to shatter her self-esteem and caused her to stupidly lash out like most petty people do. In the beginning, she was tolerable. Now? She didn't even deserve to breath Jayden's name, let alone make his already troubled life more difficult.

Edward knew he couldn't do anything about what Jessica had done. But he did know he could be there for his friend. He'd be his overall dangerous "guardian angel", for lack of a better term. Therefore, he quickly went to the main office. His main goal was to listen in and come up with an escape route accordingly. It wasn't necessary, but it would be fun all the same. That's what solidified his resolve. Having fun with the main person he'd want to have fun with.

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