Chapter 01: Starting Over

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"You could have taken some time to just say how you felt. That's all I'm saying." Blaine said as he and his younger brother drove down the highway with Tool's 'Sober' playing quietly in the background.

Jayden folded his arms as he glowered out the window. "And all I'm saying is that I was able to show them how I felt much faster. They called it assault, but whatever." When Blaine gave him a brief knowing look, his younger brother rolled his eyes. "I don't want that sorry face shit, 'cause I ain't no sorry givin' motherfucker. He got what he deserved. End of story." He then scoffed to himself. "It didn't matter enough to cause relocation, you know." he grumbled.

Blaine sighed. "Come on, Jay. This is supposed to be a fresh start. For the both of us. I already got us a house to crash in and I already got a job at the mechanic's shop. I'm sure Uncle Charlie will be happy to have us around, too." He knew his brother was in pain. He just didn't know how deep the traumatic wounds went.

For Jayden, he felt as though he'd been shattered; then put back together incorrectly and with all the jagged edges showing. It had only been four months since the life altering losses they'd been forced to endure. But, no matter how many days that passed, the all too consuming grief maintained its toxic potency. He was beginning to think it would never end. Though, just as Charlie Chaplin once said, "Nothing is permanent in this wicked world. Not even our troubles."

As they drove through town, Jayden couldn't help but look around with rebellious curiosity taking control. This small, predictable little town was indeed their new home. The chance to turn back had officially disappeared as he saw the true potential for a peaceful life. Perhaps the abrupt change would be for the better. He hoped so, anyway.

Not much time passed before they arrived at their intended destination. Before them stood a two-story home equipped with a decently sized attic. Surrounding the entire property were thick clusters of trees and shrubbery that led to the vast forest beyond. Jayden, again, saw the positives in their new living place could bring. He'd always loved the forest and its wildness.

Once inside their new home, the two brothers were met with foreign coziness neither of them were accustomed to. "I'm so glad I was able to afford this place." Blaine commented with a smile on full display.

"Me, too." Jayden agreed as they walked further into the living room. It was decent in size, already having an olive green couch and tube television in place. The floors were dark oak wood as well as the walls. It gave off an aura of peaceful living, even though nothing personal was in place yet. He then decided to explore the second floor in search of his room. After climbing the stairs with wandering eyes, he came to find two bedrooms and the only bathroom in the house. When he noticed the door to the attic on the ceiling, he wasted no time in climbing the ladder that unfolded for him. The moment he looked around at the already prepared room, his eyes widened.

 The moment he looked around at the already prepared room, his eyes widened

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"Thank you!" Jayden called down to his brother with a massive grin.

"No problem!" he heard in return, though muffled all the same.

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