Chapter 08: Remembering

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As Saturday rolled around, Jayden found himself trying to practice guitar to get his mind off the past while his brother was at work. The weekends were always hard on him. But with everything happening at school nowadays, he found it to be a nice sanctuary. A small opening of time for him to forget the world and focus on his music and think of better times. One time as such was the first time he layed eyes on his beloved Sam.


Jayden walked along the cracked sidewalk with an air of satisfaction about him. He had just left the library with the large red book "A General History of the Robberies & Murders of the Most Notorious Pirates" in hand. It had always been his favorite book growing up and the library allowed for him to buy it with a 10% discount. His plan for the day was to read through the whole book with his favorite artist "Linkin Park" playing in the background.

It wasn't long before he began to hear footsteps coming up from behind him. When he turned, he found an unexpectingly and almost unnaturally attractive young man with a very alluring smile approaching him.

He walked up to him with nervousness suddenly over taking him the moment they made eye contact. "Hey... u-uhm... I was just wondering what your book was about. I saw you reading it in the library. Your smile said it all. After that, I had to know." He said hesitantly but with obvious honesty.

Jayden couldn't stop himself from smiling in return. Though, it was a smile of subconscious adoration. A connection neither of them knew just yet that had been formed. "Oh, it's just a book about the most notorious pirates in history and what they did. You know, like Henry Avery and the Gunsway Heist, Thomas Tew, Anne Bonny, Edward England. But that's just a few."

The young man nodded with great interest, "That's really cool. My name is Sam, by the way. Sam Abbott. What's your name?"

"I'm Jayden. Jayden Royal."

"Nice to meet you Jayden."

He then realized that he wanted to know more about this intriguing Sam. So, mustering up all his courage, he then did something completely out of his introverted character. "Would you like to hang out? Read some of this book with me? I know a great park near here where we can chill."

Sam pretended to contemplate the offer for a moment. He immediately knew that he wanted to be with this Jayden guy. He just didn't want to seem too eager. "Sure! I got nothing better to do."


Before his memories could sweep him away, there was an unexpected knock on the front door. The sudden interruption made him jump as he was brought back to reality. With a heavy sigh of disappointment, he then slowly got to his feet and trudged his way over to the door. When he opened it, however, a slight smile pulled at his lips with pleasant surprise. "Oh, hey man. What's going on?" he asked politely, though not entirely in the mood to entertain anyone at that particular moment.

Edward smiled with genuine happiness like he's never felt in his entire life. "Hello, Jayden. I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out. My schedule opened up and I wanted to spend the time with you." he said, speaking cordially. A pause of hesitation filled the air with uncertainty. The bronze haired sir felt unfamiliar desperation to know the answer, hating the fact that he couldn't hear a single thought coming from the racing mind in front of him.

"That actually sounds like a good idea. Maybe I do need to get out of this house." he finally answered, forcing himself to step away from his depression and be genuinely social for once. "I'm down to raise some hell."

Edward chuckled with a subtle sigh of relief. "I was thinking we could go up to Portland and hang out around the shops. Unless you have a better plan for us to do?" he suggested, hoping to come up with something they could both enjoy. The only problem? He had to figure this strange boy out the old fashioned way. Through long talks and frustratingly unaided mental searchings. But, no matter what was going to happen, he would find out.

Jayden shook his head, "No, the shops sound just fine. I've been meaning to go up there anyway. They have a new music shop I want to check out if you're down."

Excitement touched his vast mind as Edward agreed to their plan. "Great! I'm not too bad at piano, maybe I could show you some stuff if we have time."

"Cool. Well, let's head out. I'm ready to go as is. How about you?"

Without another word but a nod, the two boys then left the home after locking up and headed for his silver Volvo. Once they were both in the car, buckled up and on the road, Jayden couldn't help but notice a booklet of CDs laying on the floor next to his feet. With curiosity looming, he gently picked it up and began to go through it. The music selection he found was an array of different genres. Classical, hip hop, rap, RNB, rock, classic rock. He even found an audiobook of Lord of the Rings. "Damn, man. You got some good shit here." he complimented, happily surprised with the selection.

Edward chuckled with just as much enjoyment. "I guess, just some of my favorites from over the years."

With smile staying in place, Jayden then retrieved a disc and turned up the volume a bit from silence. After a moment of two of waiting for the song to be expelled, the lyrics finally came through.

"Why does it feel like night today?
Somethin in here ain't right today
Why am I so uptight today?
Paranoia's all I got left
I don't know what stressed me first
Or how the pressure was fed
But I know just what it feels like
To have a voice in the back of my head"

As the music enveloped them completely, enjoyment was felt by both. Though, to be honest, Edward did have a nagging thought he greatly wanted to tell him. "Hey, uhm... I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am about the idiots at school. Kids are stupid. Especially when it comes to things they don't understand or even know is true. But I just wanted to let you know that, even if you are, it doesn't matter to me in the slightest." Jayden looked at him with complete and utter surprise from the clear and unabashed confession. "You're really cool. I'd be honored to call you my friend."

He didn't know what to say. He couldn't handle the wide range of emotions that assaulted his mind and heart. So, holding back tears of both joy and great sorrow, he smiled at the taller boy with obvious gratitude. "Thanks, man. I wouldn't have it any other way."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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