Liam woke with a jolt. Again. This time however the punch wasn't just to the window next to him but to his arm.
"Ow!" Liam groaned, shifting on his seat, neck aching from the awkward angle.
"I swear to god Liam, if you keep snoring I will make you sleep outside." Theo said, voice raspy with lack of sleep.
"I don't snore!" Liam said stiffly.
"You do." Theo said instantly. "I didn't sleep at all last night because you wouldn't shut up. You know I walked to mcdonalds so I could get away from it for a second? You were rattling the windows."
"I don't snore."
"Really? Okay. Then what's this." Theo said. Liam flinched as a too bright phone screen was shoved in his face. Theo's arm poking through the partition between the seats. Liam watched as the video begun to play. It was of him, his face speckled with blood, his clothes still the torn messes they had been earlier that day. His head was thrown back in the chair at an awkward angle, his mouth gaping open as snores ripped out of him.
"You took a video of me sleeping?!" Liam screeched. "What the hell! Delete that now that's so cree-"
"I figured you'd try and lie about not snoring." Theo said.
"Yeah hog the blankets." Liam said lamely.
"There's only one blanket."
"And you didn't even offer it to me." Liam said. Theo raised an eyebrow.
"You're dragging me to the grand canyon, without money, or food or fucking clothes and you think I'm going to give you my blanket?"
"Well I-"
"Jesus I didn't want to start a conversation, Liam. I just wanted you to stop snoring." Theo groaned.
"I didn't even know I did it, how am I meant to stop it?" Liam grumbled.
"Roll on your side." Theo ordered.
"We're in a car, I can't roll over."
"It's a truck. and maybe you should have thought of that before you forced me to come with you on a road trip without bringing any money."
"Oh my god I said I'm sorry!"
"No you didn't. You said 'we can live without money, it'll be fine.' and have been complaining ever since." Theo said. Liam ignored the way Theo pitched his voice a good few levels higher when he was imitating him.
"It's not my fault I'm hungry."
"It's going to be your fault when I beat you to death for keeping me awake." Theo grumbled. "Just shut up and roll over so-"
"I can't roll, my hips will not let me sit that way." Liam snapped. Theo jerked his hand out, slamming it down on the side of the chair leaving Liam screeching when it suddenly dropped backwards, almost crushing Theo's legs as it reclined almost all the way back.
"You're welcome." Theo said sarcastically. Liam scoffed, shifting onto his side and holding in the small sigh or relief at the nicer position.
"You could have just told me the seats reclined."
"I thought you weren't as dumb as you look. At least I know better for next time now."
"You're such an asshole." Liam sighed.
"At least I don't snore." Theo said softly. Liam tilted his head to glare at Theo only for Theo to smirk and bring his knee up, kicking the head rest to Liam's chair. "Don't scowl just because you know I'm right.

FanfictionTheo and Liam go on a road trip. Visiting places they've always wanted to go to, meeting an interesting pack along the way, cracking jokes here and there, flirting about and dealing with the minor dramas these two brew when together. But, here's t...