chapter 23: Run boy run

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In a way, it was like the first time they left together. A different town, a different state, but still just the two of them, again a nervous thrum of energy filled the car, the only sounds their hearts and the engine rumbling. Lips pressed together tight, eyes on the road as they waited for something to happen, for someone to pull them back.

It was also different. Easier, because Liam didn't feel the weight of the world crashing down on his shoulders. He wasn't in bloody clothes and tired in the bone-deep way he'd been in Beacon Hills. He wasn't worried about a new battle pulling them back. The nerves weren't the same, it wasn't the sick feeling of anxiety choking him as they drove but a bubbling excitement.

Like even if they didn't know what they were driving into, or where they were going they both knew that it would be worth it.

It was the kind of excitement that left Liam feeling drunk, with his blood roaring in his ears and smile trying to twist on his lips. The street lights flashed past too fast for Liam to believe for a second that Theo was sticking to the speed limit, the dark road stretching in front of them, the waning moon hung in front of the car like a beacon, inching further away even as they followed it. Like it was a beacon for them to follow.

"We are now entering Wyoming," Theo said, the sign flashing past them in a flicker of blue metal. Liam grinned, bright and no doubt dopey looking but Theo was doing the same, even with the bags creeping under his eyes he looked happy, at ease.

"You think they'll follow us?" Liam asked, peering through the rear-view window as if he'd spot Stiles's jeep roaring along behind them, smoke billowing from the engine and an angry pack leaning out the windows with pitch forks.

"Maybe." Theo said. "But we could always run away again."

"I thought we were making a strategic retreat?" Liam said.

"I think we ruined that when we actually ran to the car." Theo said with a light laugh.

"Well. Then where are we running to?" Liam asked. Theo shrugged, eyes moving from the road to Liam.

"I seem to remember you saying something about Disney World."

"You actually want to go to Disney world?"

"I mean, if we're running away might as well go to the happiest place on earth-" Theo hummed. "Besides-" A teasing smile lit Theo's face as he looked back to the road. "Watching you freak out on roller coasters sounds like a pretty good way to spend a day."

"It's on the other side of the country." Liam pointed out.

"If you're going to run away we should do it properly." Theo said.

"You just want to meet Mickey Mouse don't you?"

"Of course not. Goofy though-" Liam huffed a laugh, relaxing into the seat whilst watching the white lines on the road as they flickered past.

He knew he should worry about the pack, about what would happen when Derek told them that he and Theo had ducked out in the dead of night, if he hadn't already but he couldn't bring himself to worry about it yet. His mind filled with ideas of what they could do, about whether he'd be able to force Theo into a Mickey mouse hat long enough to sneak a photo. He was pretty sure he'd be able to, he had a photo of Theo covered in oil, minutes before he was almost sold as a prostitute, mickey mouse ears couldn't be that hard to get.

"This is gonna be great." Liam said, watching as Theo grinned out of the corner of his eye.

"I'm going to have to get you one of those kid leashes aren't I?" Liam ignored the comment happy to turn his attention back to the window.

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