"No." Theo said the instant Liam held up the cap.
"Dude-" Liam started.
"But-" Liam tried.
"It has your name." Liam spun it round to show the 'Theodork' scrawled on the other side.
"No." Theo said again.
"You said you wanted a friendship bracelet, well here!" Liam tried to toss the hat into Theo's arms only for Theo to step out of the way. It landed a few feet away in the center of the street. Liam blinked at the hat before turning back to Theo in horror. "Dude-"
"I know you're terrible at Biology but I thought you'd at least know the difference between an arm and a head."
"Just wear the damn hat."
"I'm never wearing the hat." Theo said seriously
"Excuse me." the two blinked as an old woman teetered over, Theodork mickey hat clutched in a wrinkled old hand. "I think you dropped this, dear." She said, holding it out to Liam.
"Oh it's his." Liam said softly, nodding to Theo who shot him a glare over the woman's hair.
"Interesting name." She hummed, plopping it down into Theo's hands and creaking away like her hips would snap at any moment. Liam wondered how she hoped to go on any rides.
"I'm not wearing it." Theo said drawing Liam's attention once again by shoving the hat back into Liam's arms.
"You're wearing it." Liam retorted, shoving the hat onto Theo's head. The glare Theo threw at him would probably have more effect if it weren't for the lopsided mouse ears protruding from the hat. "It's a gift, it's rude not to accept gifts."
"What makes you think I have anything against being rude?" Theo asked, moving to tug the hat off, Liam slapped his hands away.
"It suits you." He said.
"You know what would suit you?" Theo said, not bothering to try and take the hat off again. "A broken nose, or maybe four, to make up for-"
Theo broke off with a strangled sound as his eyes went wide as they skittered over Liam's shoulder. He followed his gaze, turning slowly only to let out a sudden bark of laugh when he was met with the sight of Darth Vader, cloak billowing in the wind, a toddler in Jedi gear stood next to him, grinning brightly at a camera. He turned back to Theo slowly, grinning as Theo blinked, awestruck. "So yeah." Liam said, inching a hand up to straighten out Theo's Mickey ears. Theo didn't even try to stop him. "I didn't know if you knew but the whole...so shocked you've actually stopped being a dick for five seconds answers it for me." He was fairly sure Theo had stopped breathing, his eyes tracking Darth Vader like a hawk making no attempt to argue about the dick comment. It was far less fun insulting Theo when he wasn't capable of arguing back. "Disney bought star wars a few years back-"
"What?" Theo asked, voice hilariously high pitched. Liam sucked his lips in to try and stop the ridiculous smile breaking across his face.
"There's like...A whole bunch of star wars crap here now. There's a few Star Wars shows I think we should go too I just want to catch the Indiana Jones show as well but otherwise this is totally your day to nerd out about star wars, and my day for taking some blackmail pho-" Liam yelped as Theo grabbed him by the shoulder yanking him into a bone-crushing hug. Liam barely had enough time to flail, arm waving either side of Theo like lost squids before Theo was moving away leaving Liam with an actual ache in his sides from how tight Theo had hugged him.
He didn't mind, attention solely on Theo, probably looking at him the same way he was back to looking at Vader, his stomach fluttering as the butterflies came back full force. Liam wondered if he spent an unhealthy amount of time staring at the side of Theo's face. He pulled his eyes back to Vader in time to see the Jedi toddler puttering back over to his mother.

FanfictionTheo and Liam go on a road trip. Visiting places they've always wanted to go to, meeting an interesting pack along the way, cracking jokes here and there, flirting about and dealing with the minor dramas these two brew when together. But, here's t...