chapter 10: Water water everywhere

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Liam woke up to beams of sunlight trying their very best to blind him. Theo's blanket still curled tightly around him, covering the lower half of his face. Theo had yanked the cover over his head on the bed over, leaving only a few tufts of brown hair poking out the top.

He stretched out, cracking his back with a small groan of pleasure. Liam couldn't exactly say he preferred the pee bed to Theo's truck, Theo's truck was actually fairly comfortable, but being able to really stretch out was something he had been missing for the past week.

Liam curled back up, burrowing his face into the blanket again letting out a soft sigh of relief when the glare of the sun was finally gone from his eyes.

"Should I give you two a moment alone?" Theo's voice came, raspy and soft. Liam's head snapped up, eyes meeting Theo's as he tugged the blanket to his chest. Theo's eyes were hazy with sleep, lips curling into what Liam was sure was meant to be a smirk but came out as more of a dazed grin. Half the hair on Theo's head was flat, the other half an unruly mat of bed hair. "You weren't joking about thinking I smell great were you?"

"Shut up, I was just blocking out the sun." Liam said, Theo's smile twitched up further.

"So you only just got my blanket then? You didn't sleep cuddling it?"

"I wasn't cuddling it."

"I woke up before you Liam."

"...The bed smells of someone's urine okay? I couldn't sleep with it so I had to use something to block the smell."

"Right." Theo hummed. Liam narrowed his eyes but Theo didn't push it just stretched out on his bed joints clicking. "You hungry?"


"Then get ready, the park opens soon. I'm going for a shower but then we should go." Theo said, hopping off of the bed and moving towards the bathroom. Liam stayed where he was, eyes lingering on Theo's bed as he tried to convince himself moving was a good idea. "Liam here-" Liam barely managed to turn and catch in time. He blinked down at the fabric he caught, eyes shifting back up to a shirtless Theo. "In case you need something to 'block the smell' while I'm gone." Theo drawled. Liam balled the top up, launching it at him as his cheeks flushed, Theo dodged it with a slow side step. It hit the wall with a soft thump.

"Screw you! Not all of us are comfortable sleeping in the smell of other peoples bodily fluids!"

"You probably don't want to be wrapped up in my blanket then." Theo said.

"Wha-" Theo winked. "Oh dude gross!" Liam shrieked, trying to toss the blanket off which only resulted in him rolling off of the bed. Theo ducked into the bathroom with a laugh.

Liam was sorely tempted to chug a few of the bottles of water just so he could give Theo a taste of his own medicine when it came to unexpectedly barging in to urinate when people were trying to shower. He probably would have were he not absolutely positive he hadn't heard Theo pull the shower curtain across.

So instead Liam took the time when Theo was showering to sit in one of the creaky chairs, reading through the pack chat Mason had added him too. He was right, it was mainly Jackson and Stiles bickering, snappy little texts shooting back and forth even as Liam tried to catch up.

There was one from his Step Dad, simply saying 'told Mom, be safe' and one from his Mom saying 'Eat vegetables.'


"Do you have anything with vegetables?" Liam asked morosely looking up at the waiter. Theo's fingers tapped a rhythm on the table.

"We got blueberry pancakes." The waiter said.

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