chapter 7: Star light, Star bright, Star Wars

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Liam couldn't help but be a bit confused when he woke up without Theo's influence, eyes fluttering slowly as he blinked around the car, he was still in the blanket, face pressed into the soft pillow leaving him looking at the back of the driver's seat. He strained his hearing but couldn't hear a single car, even the one he was in was quiet, engine off, radio dead.

The soft pat pat pat of Theo's heart sounded through the metal. Liam sat up slowly, keeping the blanket tucked around him as he peered out the dark window only to be met with an open field, the road a thin line a few hundred meters away, only visible thanks to the white lines painted down the middle. Liam shuffled out of the car, the chilly air biting at his exposed skin leaving goosebumps prickling up and down his arms. He pulled the blanket tighter around himself as he stepped onto the hard ground of the field, dirt packed together and cracking from the lack of rain.

Theo's feet were visible, white converse shining beneath the moonlight as his head poked out from the bed of the truck. Liam inched down the car, peering round the corner. Theo was already looking, eyes hooded and tired, his lips pulled into a small smile.

"Clothes are dry." Theo said, voice husky, he shoved a thumb at the duffel he was currently using as a pillow as if Liam wouldn't have noticed that from the fact they were now far away from the laundrette and Theo was fully dressed. "You want them?" Liam shook his head, climbing up into the truck. Theo didn't move, to make room from where he was spread diagonally across the floor leaving Liam tucking himself into a corner, legs sliding beneath where Theo's were propped up. The metal was cold against the back of Liam's legs and the small of his back. Theo shifted, holding the Thermos out to him.

"Coffee?" He offered. "It's still warm."

"It's late. Shouldn't you be sleeping not drinking coffee?"

"S'only another couple hours to Vegas. Just needed a quick break, we'll be back on the road soon." Theo murmured, eyes blinking slowly.

"We can wait till tomorrow to get to Vegas. If you're tired you ca-"

"Are you still hungry? I got us some food." Theo tossed the bag over before settling his arm behind his head. Liam sighed but didn't comment on the blatant change of subject just turned his attention to the bag of food. He bypassed the half a burger going instead for the still full box. "I didn't get fries. They're awful cold but there are some chips."

"Thanks." Liam ate in silence, watching Theo watch the sky eyes drooping closed every so often before he'd gulp down some coffee from the Thermos. When Liam was finished, the gnawing pit of hunger in his stomach somewhat appeased, for now, he followed Theo's gaze to the sky, dotted with bright stars and a crescent moon.

"You know any of the constellations?" Liam asked slowly.

"Not really." Theo admitted. "A couple but nothing impressive. You?"

"The real ones? not a clue. Me and Mason use to make up our own though."

"How'd you make up your own constellations?"

"What do you mean how? You just..look for patterns and say what it looks like or make up a dumb sounding scientific name. It's like when your cloud watching."

"Cloud watching?"

"You know, when you'd watch clouds go by and say what animal it looked like."

"Sounds boring." Theo snorted.

"You've never done it?" Theo shook his head slowly. "What did you even do with your friends when you were younger?" Liam said. Not expecting Theo to answer.

"Star wars marathons with Stiles." Theo said softly. "We went to see attack of the clones in the cinema. He dressed up as Han Solo. I as Chewy. Had to change out of it though, the fur from the suit almost gave me an asthma attack. Stiles begged Scott to come, he wanted him to dress up as Luke. Tara said she'd come if Scott went and that she'd go as Leia. Had the white dress all ready before Scott bailed. She refused to come after that."

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