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A long time ago, there was a war raging on a distant planet called, Cybertron. The war was raged by two factions that lived on Cybertron, the Autobots who fought for peace and freedom led by one who was chosen to bear the Matrix of Leadership, Optimus Prime, and the Decepticons who dream of tyranny under the rule of their notorious leader, Megatron. The war was for their planets supply of Energon and how to keep their race from facing extinction.

Megatron once had honor and fought along side Optimus and the Autobots, but he let his hunger for power and domination take over and it was thus that the Megatron that most Autobots knew was gone forever and the Megatron that was among them now, became the tyrannical leader of the Decepticon army. The Decepticon army dwarfed that of the Autobots as their numbers continued to drop with every passing battle. 

Until a group of Cybertronians decided to help the Autobots fight against the Decepticons. They were the Dinobots, led by their leader and king, Grimm Rex, a.k.a. Grimlock, his second in command was his only living relative, his sister Slash Rex. There was the aerial dino, Swoop, the three horned dino, Slag, the long necked dino, Sludge, the spikey dino, Slug, and finally the youngest member of their team Snarl. Together they helped turn the tide for the Autobots to one day end the war. However, on a mission to locate energon to help survive on Cybertron, which is a baren wasteland, and were unable to get to the rendezvous to leave Cybertron with Optimus and his team, the Dinobots were ambushed by a Decepticon battalion. Megatron led the ambush himself and one by one the Dinobots fell and only two remained...

Grimm's POV:
Darkness... All I see is darkness... I was once a king of my kind of Cybertronian, king of the Dinobots. A position that I was given when my older brother Omega Rex was slain in battle by none other than Megatron. The only relative I have left is my sister, Slash. She was too young to remember Omega, but I told her stories of how courageous he was. She looked up to me, all the Dinobots did. When the war for our home was entering a new stage, we sided with the Autobots as a team of Dino's. I fought along side Alpha Trion and Optimus Prime. 

But then the unthinkable happened... I was leaking energon, my arms were numb, and I was pinned by rubble, "B-big... b-brother..." Slash coughed, "S... Sl... Slash... I... s... s... sorry." I chocked as I was beginning to go into stasis lock. "How the mighty have fallen. You should have sided with me Grimm, then you wouldn't be here groveling in the dirt about to become one with the Allspark." Megatron said with venom in his words. I glared at him and started coughing up more energon. "Big brother... please, get up." Slash said as she had tears of energon in her eyes, "He won't be able to where he is going. Say goodbye to your brother, and you say goodbye to your sister." Megatron said as a portal opened behind him and he smirked at me as he picked me up by my throat. 

"Any last words?" he asked, "One... day... I... kill..." I said as my voice box then burned out and I lost my voice because of the damage, "Too bad." Megatron said as he through me through the portal and a space pod formed around me. I looked towards my sister one last time before Megatron stomped his foot on her and killed her. Rage boiled inside of me as flashes of Megatron annihilating my team one by one went through my possessors. Then the portal closed, and I was put into stasis lock for what felt like an eternity.

Megatron's POV:
"Now with the mighty king of the Dinobots gone forever, what shall I do with you?" I asked as I picked up the princess of the Dinobots. "Y... you won't... get... away with... this..." she spoke as energon leaked from her wounds, "Ahh, but that's where you're wrong. I will get away with it. And now I know what I will do with you. I'll keep you prisoner only to torture you for all eternity. Bringing you right up to the brink of death." I said as I laughed and my second in command flew down and bowed to me, "Lord Megatron, your plan to remove the Dinobots was a brilliant success. Now, only one remains. Allow me to terminate her." Starscream said, "No, she is mine to do with as I see fit. Take her to my chambers on the Nemesis, we are going after Optimus Prime and his team." I said as we took the princess and left our planet.

TRANSFORMERS PRIME: ARCEE X OC GRIMLOCK CYBERTRONIAN X Female CybertroniansWhere stories live. Discover now