Chapter 7: An Override on racing/ Jungle surprise

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In the Transformers Cybertron universe...
???'s POV:
I was racing against Hot Shot and he was doing better than before. "Try to keep up Hot Shot." I said as I raced passed him, "Oh, you're on. CYBER KEY POWER!" Hot Shot said as a Cyber key flew down from the sky and gave him extra power as he shot passed me and reached the finish line. 

I made my way to him as I stopped and transformed into robot mode. "Good job, kid. You're getting your speed back." I said smiling at Hot Shot, "Thanks to you and the new scan I got of that awesome new car." Hot Shot said as he returned to robot mode as well. I smiled then something happened, a portal opened up and started sucking things into it. "What is that?" Hot Shot asked, "I don't know. And I don't want to find out." I said as we transformed into vehicle mode as we tried to get away from the thing. Hot Shot managed to get out of the way in time, but I wasn't so lucky. The pull of the portal was stronger than when it opened, and I was struggling to get out of it. "Hold on!" Hot Shot shouted as he tried to help me, but a lamp post crashed into me and made me fly into the portal, "OVERRIDE!" Hot Shot shouted as I transformed into robot mode and entered the portal. Then everything went black.

TF Prime Universe:
Location: Abandoned Racetrack:
Still Override's POV:
Once I opened my optics, I found myself at an abandoned racetrack and it looked like I was still on earth. "Am I still on earth?" I asked myself as I tried to contact my team but nothing, "Great, I guess I can lay low here until they find me. Better set up the distress beacon." I said as I activated the Autobot distress beacon that Scattershot and Red Alert made for the Autobot's incase any of us were separated and couldn't get back with the others. 'I hope Laurie is alright.' I thought as I was glad that she wasn't at the racetrack when that portal opened up.

Autobot Base Omega 1
Grimm's POV:
I was in recharge when flashes of a red and white femme Cybertronian appeared in my mind.

Autobot Base Omega 1Grimm's POV:I was in recharge when flashes of a red and white femme Cybertronian appeared in my mind

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She was with another Cybertronian that looked like my old friend Hot Shot. They were racing and then a portal opened up taking the red and white femme into it as the Hot Shot look alike shouted her name, "OVERRIDE!" he shouted. With that I woke up and was breathing hard, 'What was that? Another vision?' I asked myself. I got up and went into the mission brief room and saw the others already here. Arcee noticed me and walked over as I rubbed my helm from the flash of the Cybertronian I saw. "You alright?" she asked me, "Just-another-helm-ache. I-had-another-flash-of-another-Auto-bot." I said as Arcee's optics widened and took me over to Ratchet. "Ratchet, Grimm said he had another flash of an Autobot." Arcee said, "Hmm, strange, I just detected an Autobot distress beacon not far from here. It's at an...", "Abandoned-racetrack." I said recalling another image from my vision of the Cybertronian I saw in my vision, "Yes, and the strange thing is, this distress signal isn't used by any Autobot I know of. It might be a trap set by the Decepticons. But your vision and the activation of this distress beacon seem to be related. I'll open a ground bridge to the coordinates." Ratchet said, Optimus then walked over to us. "Grimm, Arcee, the three of us will see about this unknown distress beacon. And the identity of this mysterious Autobot that you have seen." Optimus said as we went through the ground bridge.

TRANSFORMERS PRIME: ARCEE X OC GRIMLOCK CYBERTRONIAN X Female CybertroniansWhere stories live. Discover now