Chapter 4: The Nightmares/ Precognition

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Previously on Transformers Prime...
Grimm was reunited with his long thought deceased sister, Slash. Jack left the team but after talking with Arcee he came back only for Arcee, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead to go into space. They arrived on the Decepticon space bridge and fought the Decepticons to keep them from raising Megatron's undead army. Ratchet made an antidote for Grimm since he had organic cells in his system after scanning the T. Rex when he landed on Earth. Grimm is now realizing his feelings for Arcee. The story continues, now...

Arcee's dream POV:
I was on Cybertron on an infiltration mission with Grimm and Tailgate. Grimm was able to get an upgrade to help him turn invisible for a limited time to gather intelligence from Decepticon computers. "Arcee, you think this place will have the intel we need?" Grimm asked, "Of course. Preceptor said that this is where the intel is." I said as he nodded and went invisible and went in. "Arcee, you ever going to tell Grimm how you feel?" Tailgate asked, "He has a lot on his mind, Tailgate. You saw him when we came back with his brother's body. I can't put my feelings ahead of his." I said as we then heard Grimm scream, as Decepticons surrounded us and captured us. Tailgate and I were chained to the ground as Blackout walked over and narrowed his optics at us. 

"Tell me who sent you, and I might spare your lives

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"Tell me who sent you, and I might spare your lives." He said, "Get scraped con." I said as I narrowed my optics at him. He laughed, "I wouldn't get too aggressive with me femme. Otherwise, your little friend here will die." Blackout said as he showed us Grimm and he was leaking energon fast. "Grimm, hold on." I said, "You stinking cons. How'd you know?" Tailgate asked, "Tell me who sent you, and I will tell you." Blackout said, "Don't tell him anything. I let them catch me." Grimm said as his optics went red and he started tearing down the cons one after another. I was amazed by his tenacity and ferociousness. "Autobot scum." Blackout said, "I'm not scum, I'm the King of the Dinobots. I'll show you cons the same treatment as your friend Airachnid did to my brother!" Grimm roared as he and Blackout fought. Tailgate got us out of the chains and then the unthinkable happened, I saw Grimm get stabbed in his spark chamber by Blackout's blade. "NOOOOO!" I shouted as Tailgate and I attacked Blackout and then a rescue team arrived to get us out. Once Blackout ran away, I ran over to Grimm as Ratchet came over as well, "Grimm, Grimm, stay with me." I said, "Con... got lucky..." Grimm said as he coughed up energon, "His wound is fatal." Ratchet said as he tried to keep Grimm online, "Arcee... take... care... of... Slash... for... meee..." Grimm said as his optics lost their color and his spark gave out. "No. No please, no. Grimm, wake up. GRIMM!" I shouted as I looked at my hands and saw his energon on them. "NOOOOOOOOOO!" I shouted.

Arcee's POV:
My optics shot open as I screamed out, "NOOOOOO!" I shouted; I was gasping as I looked around. I was in our base; I saw Grimm next to me as he put his hand on mine. "Arcee, what's wrong?" Ratchet asked as he came over, "A nightmare." I said as oil rolled down my face plate. Grimm wiped it away as Ratchet checked my vitals, "I'll give you a light sedative. Let me know if you have any more." Ratchet said. I nodded and he injected a light sedative into my arm as I sighed in relief and Grimm was holding my hand. "What's with you?" I asked as my face plate turned a little blue from his touch, "Keep... you... close to... me" Grimm said through his radio. I smiled and laid back down for the time being. 'How long has he been with me?' I asked myself as I can tell Grimm hasn't slept yet, "Go get some rest, Grimm. I'll be alright." I said, but he shook his head and sat next to me. "Never gonna let you down... or say goodbye..." Grimm said through his radio as I laughed a bit at what he did. "I thought I told you not to do that." I said, he smirked, and I smiled knowing he had my back. But I couldn't handle losing him like I did with Cliff and Tailgate.

TRANSFORMERS PRIME: ARCEE X OC GRIMLOCK CYBERTRONIAN X Female CybertroniansWhere stories live. Discover now