Chapter 6: Scrapheap/ Dino in ice

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Grimm's POV:
I was waking up and was about to move when I felt a weight on my chest plate. I looked and saw Arcee in her recharge cycle with her helm laying against my chest plate. I felt my ace plate heat up a little as I watched her recharge. 'Did she sleep with me all night?' I asked myself, then Bumblebee walked in and saw this, I narrowed my optics at him letting him know to not say anything. "*I won't say anything*" Bee said as he walked out of the room and I gently shook Arcee to get her to wake up. "Mmm... Grimm?" Arcee asked as she opened her optics and looked at me and I smiled at her which caused her face plate to turn blue and she got up from the berth. "Um, it isn't what it looked like." She said, "Arcee-it's-alright. I-don't-mind. I-appreciate-you-staying-with-me." I said and smiled at her, she smiled back at me. Once I got off the berth Ratchet came over and checked me out to make sure I was alright. "Alright, everything seems operational. If you have any signs of helm aches or anything else let me know." Ratchet said, I nodded and got off the berth. I walked over to Arcee and thanked her again for staying with me last night. No nightmares last night and no feelings of malice towards any of my friends.

Arcee's POV:
I was glad that Grimm was better, he cares deeply for his friends and family. Grimm sees Optimus as a father figure and Ratchet like an uncle. But me, I don't know what he sees me as. We've been best friends since before the war, I don't want to ruin that. "Optimus, I've picked up an energon reading from the arctic." Ratchet said as I walked over to see what was going on along with Grimm, "Hmm, it seems that an expedition is in order." Optimus said and I saw Grimm's face seem concerned about something. "Grimm, is something wrong?" I asked, he looked at me and smiled, "Nothing-I'm-alright." Grimm said as he, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead headed to the arctic to find the energon.

The Arctic:
Bulkhead's POV:
Bee, Grimm, and I were searching the arctic for the energon that Ratchet received from the signal he picked up. "*Are we there yet*" Bee asked, "No not yet. It should be over this ridge. That's weird, I'm picking up a Cybertronian distress beacon. An Autobot one." I said and Grimm looked at the scanner, his optics widened and said he'd catch up with us. "Wait, Grimm... and he's gone. What's with him?" I asked and Bee just shrugged.

With Grimm:
Grimm's POV:
'She's still in stasis, I have to get to her before the Decepticons do. If they bring her back online without the proper code, it will be a nightmare.' I thought to myself as I continued my trek to the location of an old friend of mine. Once I reached the location, I transformed back into robot mode and saw the ice surrounding the pod. I took a deep breath in and let out a steady stream of fire to melt the ice. Once the ice had melted enough, I stopped breathing fire and pulled out the stasis pod. It was in good shape, all things considered. 'I hope the others will forgive me for lying to them.' I thought as I remembered what actually happened the day, I was defeated by Megatron and lost my sister to him.

65 million years ago... On Cybertron:
Past Grimm:
"Slag, Swoop, keep those cons from getting in. Snarl, Sludge, Slash, you three make sure the distress beacon is still active. I'll head to the stasis pods, see if everything is alright." I said as I went to the stasis pods and made sure no one was around, "You here?" I asked, "I'm here boss. I don't like lying to our team like this." A blue and pink dinobot said to me, "I know you don't. But your sire put you in my care if something were to happen to him. I miss him every day, he cared for me, you, and Slash after our creators abandoned us. But I don't want you in this war. I'm sending you to a remote planet in the far reaches of the universe. Once you're there, you must scan a life form of the most powerful creature you can and enter stasis until I can find you." I said to her, "But uncle, I don't want to leave you." She said. I sighed and knew she would be just as stubborn as Omega and myself, "I know you don't want to, but you have too. I can't let the Decepticons know who you are or who you're related too. I can't let the Autobots know just yet either. We both know that Ratchet helped us this much. I promise I'll find you." I said as we hugged, and she went into her stasis pod. I activated it and inputted the codes and safeguards to keep my niece safe. Once that was done, the pods launched into deep space and I closed my optics knowing Omega would do the same for me and Slash if he were still here. "I promise. I will find you one day... Scorn Rex. My niece." I said as I rejoined the battle until evac arrived.

TRANSFORMERS PRIME: ARCEE X OC GRIMLOCK CYBERTRONIAN X Female CybertroniansWhere stories live. Discover now