Chapter 5: Dino vs Copter

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Previously, on Transformers Prime...
Grimm had flashes of his old enemy Blackout and his pet Scorpinok.
Blackout had arrived on Earth and has acquired an earth based vehicle mode.
Slash is scared of what might happen if her brother fails.
Arcee is also scared because of her nightmare of Blackout killing Grimm.
Optimus came up with a plan to defeat Blackout and Scorpinok.

Jack's POV:
I have never seen Arcee like this before, I knew she had feelings for Grimm by how much she would stare at him without him knowing. But this was different, "Arcee, what's wrong?" I asked her, she looked at me and sighed, "I'm scared of losing Grimm. I found him on Cybertron in an old stasis pod along with the other Dinobots. He and I have been the best of friends before the war started. I came to realize that I had feelings for him. Before I could tell him, his brother was murdered by the same con that killed Tailgate." Arcee said as she remembered how angry Grimm was when they found his brother's body. "I'm sorry. I kinda know what it's like to lose someone close to you." I said as I remembered that my dad and mom had a huge argument and then he just left after filing for divorce. "Who'd you lose?" Arcee asked, "My dad, he isn't dead, he just divorced my mom and left when I was three. I haven't seen him in years." I said as I remembered a few things that he and I did when I was three before he left.

Grimm's POV:
Jack's sire left him and his carrier, he may not know the feeling of losing someone he cares for in a war, but he does know the feeling of them leaving and never coming back. That's how it was for me, Slash, and Omega. Our creators just abandoned us and never came back. Omega was the oldest out of the three of us, we then met up with others who were also abandoned. 'Jack and I are more alike than I thought.' I thought to myself as I got up from the berth and walked over to Arcee and Jack. "Grimm, you should be resting." Arcee said, I shook my head no and looked at Jack, "I-know-how-you-feel. My-creators-left-me-and-my-siblings-when-we-were-only-five-hundred-years-old. Omega-was-the-eldest-among-the-three-of-us. He-raised-me-and-Slash-before-we-met-the-Autobot's." I said through my radio mixing up voices, songs, tv shows, and movies to make the sentence. "I had no idea. That must have been rough." Jack said, I nodded and clenched my fists as I placed one of my fists over my spark. "Always keep them in your spark." Arcee translated. I smiled and nodded.

Grimm seems to be almost like Jack, both have had their own sad stories. Jack's sire left him and his mother for some reason and Grimm's creators left him andhis siblings alone. "You two are almost alike." I said, they both looked at me and smiled, I smiled as well and walked away to see how the trap was coming along. "How's it coming Ratchet?" I asked, "Almost done. This reinforced steel trap should keep Scorpinok trapped until Grimm can defeat Blackout." Ratchet said, "And if it doesn't?" Bulk asked, "I don't know. I am not familiar with Scorpinok's capabilities." Ratchet said. Slash walked over and she seemed like she knew something, "I know someone who might." She said, "Who?" I asked, "The con who helped me. Knockout." Slash said and that made us widen our optics, "Why would we ever trust a con? They're the one's who killed Cliffjumper, Tailgate, and the Dinobots. Not to mention all other Autobot's that got in their way." Bulk said, "Do you know how to contact Knockout?" Optimus asked as he walked over, "He told me how to send him an encrypted message should I need help." Slash said, "Do it." Optimus said and Slash nodded.

Elsewhere at the same time:

Knockout's POV:
Breakdown and I were on the trail of a fresh energon deposit, but I was distracted by the thought of Slash and how beautiful she was. Even with all those injuries, she was by far the most tenacious femme Autobot I have ever met. "Hey, you feeling alright. You haven't complained at all about how the dust is messing with your paint job." Breakdown said pulling me from my thoughts, "Yes, fine. Just have some things on my mind. Besides, I'm more worried about getting scratches on me than just silly dust." I said playing it off, "Seriously, what is with you?" Breakdown asked, "*Sighs* Fine, if you must know, I might have a spark crush. But I don't know if it will work out." I said as Breakdown started laughing, "Yeah right. Like you have a spark crush." He laughed as I just glared at him and he knew I was serious, "Oh, your serious. Wow didn't know you would have a spark crush. Who is it?" he asked, "That's where it gets complicated. She's an Autobot that was captured many solar cycles ago before we even got here. A dinobot femme actually. I kinda found her by accident when I was on my way to my lab." I said and Breakdown's optics went wide, "Seriously! What in the name of the Allspark made you have a crush on a prisoner?" he asked, "I don't know. Soundwave was torturing her and when he left, I felt, pity for her." I said. Before Breakdown said anything, I got an encrypted message from someone, "Hold that thought. Hello?" I asked, "Knockout, it's me." Slash said over the message, "Slash, why are you contacting me?" I asked her knowing it must be important. "Blackout is on Earth. He called my brother out and is threatening to take me after he kills Grimm. I need your help." Slash said and my spark skipped a pulse. "Did you say, Blackout?" I asked and Breakdown's optics widened in fear of the name. "Yeah, he and his pet Scorpinok are on Earth. Do you know anything about Scorpinok that might give my brother an advantage and any weak spots that Blackout might have?" Slash asked, I looked at Breakdown and he nodded, "Blackout and Scorpinok are basically two halves of the same coin. You take one of them down, the other will be weakened. Blackout has a blind spot with his right optic, last I heard he had it repaired somewhat to where he can use it. But it will flash every ten seconds giving anybot a point of attack." I said. "Thanks Knockout, maybe one day you can join us. And I want to thank you for helping me." Slash said as the message cut off and I looked at Breakdown just smiling like an idiot, "What?" I asked, "Seems like that femme has a thing for you. But Megatron will never allow you to be with her. Not while you're alive." Breakdown said, "*Sighs* You're right. Perhaps it wasn't the best idea to join Megatron. The Autobot's tend to care for each other like a family. Something the Decepticon's don't do." I said as we went back to locating a fresh Energon deposit. 'Perhaps someday, I can be with Slash. With her brother's blessing of course.' I thought as Breakdown and I drove off.

TRANSFORMERS PRIME: ARCEE X OC GRIMLOCK CYBERTRONIAN X Female CybertroniansWhere stories live. Discover now