Chapter 1: Rise of the Dino Part 1

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Arcee's POV:
I went back into the base after I had calmed down some and something was going on, "Optimus, Cliffjumper's life signal, has just come back online." Ratchet said, I was shocked to hear that, maybe Cliff is still alive. "How is that possible?" Optimus asked, "It isn't, another bug. The system's chalked full of them." Ratchet said, "If there's any chance that Cliff is still alive..." I stated and Optimus knew what I was going to say. 

"Ratchet, set the ground bridge to those coordinates and prepare sick bay." Optimus said as Ratchet entered the coordinates and opened the ground bridge. "Autobots, transform and roll out!" Optimus called as we all turned into out vehicle forms and drove through the ground bridge. Once we made it to the other side of the ground bridge, we transformed back into robot mode and prepared our weapons. "Energon mine." Bulkhead said, "Judging by the size and the quantity of this mine, the Decepticons have been harvesting this location for some time now." Optimus said as we heard drilling and saw a whole bunch of cons mining the energon. 

"I'm sick of this sneaking around. Let's bust some tailpipe and get our guy." Bulkhead said as Bumblebee chirped, "*I'm with Bulkhead on that*" Optimus then walked up to the Decepticons and we began our fight.

Megatron's POV:
I was in a room with a chunk of Dark Energon as I was trying to figure out how to control it's powers. "Dark Energon, how I yearn to fathom your might. So that I may control your power." I said as Starscream told me that the mine was being raided by the Autobots. "Optimus? I need more time to prepare a more theatrical homecoming for my old friend. Pull our forces out." I ordered, "But, the energon I harvested, the Autobots will seize it all." Starscream complained, "Then blow the mine!" I shouted as the terminal went off and I heard the muffled yells and curses from the wall to the side of me. I smiled as I remembered that only I knew of her being here along with Soundwave who has tortured her for many years now. "Soon, everything will come into place." I said as I laughed evilly.

Third Person POV:
The fight raged on as both sides showed no sign of stopping. Bulkhead took out several Vehicon troops and so did Bumblebee. Optimus fought hard with all his strength and continued to lead his small band of Autobots to find Cliffjumper. Until Arcee finally spotted him high on one of the upper levels of the mine. But she did not know what had happened to Cliffjumper after his life signal went offline because of Starscream, and the power of Dark Energon that Megatron put into Cliff's chest.

Arcee's POV:
We were taking heavy fire from the Decepticons when I spotted Cliffjumper and went to get him. "I see Cliffjumper. I'm going after him." I said as Optimus and the others provided cover fire for me to get to Cliff. Once I got to him the catwalk gave way and before Cliff went over the edge, I caught his hand. "Let's get you home partner." I said as I pulled him up, but what I saw wasn't what I wanted to see. Cliff was leaking purple stuff and tried to attack me. I lost my grip and he fell to his death. "NO!" I shouted as the catwalk collapsed and I was pinned under tons of metal.

 A Vehicon troop saw me and aimed his blaster at me, before he shot me, Optimus punched him, and the shot went to the far side of the mine and the whole wall collapsed to reveal a Cybertronian stasis pod. 'A stasis pod, here on earth?' I thought to myself as another stray blast hit the pod and it opened up. Everybot stopped fighting as the mist cleared and the dust settled. We all heard gears grinding and a growling sound. That's when I saw the deep blue optics adjust as they came closer to me and when I was finally able to see them, my spark stopped beating for a nano click. 

TRANSFORMERS PRIME: ARCEE X OC GRIMLOCK CYBERTRONIAN X Female CybertroniansWhere stories live. Discover now