Chapter 1

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Y/n pov

Dad gathered some deadly criminals including me to attack the Senate building. The plan went perfectly trapping the Senators in the room. Dad and the droid calmly go in first Dad shooting his blaster getting their full attention. He says relaxed to them," Morning, Senators. You should be considering yourselves to be in my power." The rest of us walk in each of the doors boxing them in. Dad continues stern," As long as everyone behaves, this will be quick and painless. Do nothing, and this will all be over soon."

One of the Senators became a stuck up fool Dad calmly killing him scaring the other Senators shocking them. Dad says undisturbed by this," All right then. If you'll all gather at the center of this lovely atrium, my co-workers and I will relieve you of any communication devices." Dad contacted the Chancellor having a nice chat with him. I said to the Senators my hand out," Hand over your communication devices, please." I go to them one by one getting their devices. Dad took an interest in one of them being Senator Amidala of Naboo speaking boldly.

I sense something I pull out my gun firing just missing revealing Skywalker. Dad yells loudly angry pointing his gun in Skywalker's direction," Skywalker? After him!" The other Bounty hunters went after him while Dad and I stay behind to watch over the Senators. The bounty hunters came back the Weequayan giving us important information. The information being we lost a droid, but the Jedi apparently is unarmed. Dad says interested," What?" The Weequayan responds excited," It doesn't look like he has his lightsaber." Dad orders serious," Go. Bring him to me." We head out going after Skywalker the defenseless Jedi.

We easily catch Skywalker bringing the unconscious Jedi to the circle of Senators. After making sure how we're doing on 3-D's end Dad said nonchalantly," Go ahead and get out the parting gifts." The bombs are set up trapping the Senators where they are. Dad says to the Chancellor," Well, Mr. Chancellor, thanks to your calm leadership the crisis is passed. I got what I want, so I'll return your Senate and your Senators. Enjoy them, but don't try anything until the sun has set. Understand?"

The transmission ended Dad said stern," We have to get to the landing platform. Is everything ready?" The fish happily agrees saying it's ready to go. Dad explains to them about it after ordering us to turn on the field. Dad says his farewell before we leave the room behind heading out. We're not suprised to be stopped by clones once we're outside the Senate building. The Chancellor now thinks that we're out matched talking smack thinking he beat us. Dad retorts relaxed," No Chancellor. I'm afraid it is you who has been foolish, with your Senator's lives. One false move and the entire East Wing of the Senate building goes up in smoke."

The Chancellor responds bitterly," You win, bounty hunter." The transmission ended Dad glares at the Clones he says stern," Holster them." The Clones give in letting us pass we easily escape with Zero the Hutt. Dad blows up the East Wing of the Senate building anyway later realizing they escaped instead of being blown up.


Dad is hired by the mysterious Sith Lord to get a Jedi holocron. I said nonchalantly," This is going to be fun." We look over the information going over our plan. The third wheel being a changeling working with us on this mission. Dad dealt with the annoying Todo our techno service droid putting the bomb in secretly. A buzz is heard signaling the Changeling has finally arrived. Dad orders calmly sitting in his seat," Todo, get the door." Todo argues back," I'm a techno service droid not a butler droid."

Another buzz is heard I growl out glaring at him," Now Todo." Todo gives in letting the Changeling inside finally. The Chancellor walks over looking at the screen we're looking at she asks curious," Who's that?" I answered calmly," Bollo Ropal, a Jedi in the Mid Rim." She asks interested," Are we going after him?" Dad answered simply," Soon. Right now we're a stealing a holocron." He puts up a hollowgram she responds shocked," Impossible. The only place you can get a holocron is-" Dad cuts her off annoyed," I know. Inside the main vaults of the Jedi Temple. Fortunately, our Sith Lord client has set us up with some help. For one, a map of the temple you see in front of you."

The hollowgram changed to the Jedi Temple he continues calmly," Another, a security chip I've put inside my droid." Todo comments happily," I've been given all technical data in regarding the security systems in the Jedi Temple." I said calmly watching the temple hollowgram," Both the vent shafts and the vault itself are equipped with all kinds of traps and security measures. Todo can take them out, but we'll need help from inside the Jedi Library. And that's where your talents as a Changeling come in."

She says noticing the dead Jedi in the corner," He looks like a Jedi." Dad says nonchalantly," He was. His name was Ord Enisense. You should be able to walk into archives and monitor us without a problem." She walks over to the Jedi changing into his form. Dad gave her and me ear comlinks to keep in touch with each other. Cato voiced her concern about the communication center next to the vault Dad says calmly," We'll use that to our advantage." Cato questions curious," Even if you get into the vault, how are you going to get into the safe?"

I answered stern," Let us deal with the safe. First we have to get there before worrying about the safe." We head to the Temple we fly up while Cato goes inside the Temple. I question curious," Do we really need Cato? I can just get us through can't I?" Dad answered simply," They could find out and wonder how we did it. I'm not taking that risk especially since your mother will kill me if she found out." I say in understanding," Alright. Hopefully Cato doesn't expose herself right off at least." Dad nods in agreement we land near the vents with Ray sheilds protecting them.

Soon enough Cato contacts us saying simply," I'm in." Dad responds monotone," It's about time. Just tell us where to get in." Cato calmly explained the spot to us sending the coordinates to Todo. Cato jams the signal to keep our entry hidden as Todo lets us inside the field. We go inside one I close the vent hatch behind us. Cato had to save us from the gigantic fan Todo didn't fully turn off by accident. Todo apologized only receiving glares as we went back down back on course.

In the short time we didn't talk to Cato she became the librarian. I said serious," Just hurry up, Cato. We won't stay hidden forever. My guess is they're already onto us as we speak." I hear them coming say to Dad before he hears them," The Jedi are coming." Dad growls annoyed telling Cato to hurry up. She finally opened it we quickly go in getting to work. Todo dealt with the laserbeams while I cut a hole towards the Communication center. We ended up losing Cato Dad sent Todo to the Communication center. With reluctantance he does as told going towards the Communication center.

I ask curious," Do you want me to try opening it?" Dad said simply," No, let's do this the old fashioned way." Dad placed the bomb we hide before it goes off. The Jedi go right passed us going after Todo like planned not noticing us. I opened it the rest of the way using the Force Dad walking inside. He gently pulls one out a holocron examining it closely. I look around awing over it before we leave the vault. We sneak out with the holocron wearing Jedi robes to blend in. We go unnoticed easily getting out of the Jedi Temple. I said once we're far away," We'll have a story for mom."

Dad chuckles amused he says nonchalantly," She'll love every detail of it. She might even be jealous she wasn't involved in it." We start preparing for the next stage of the plan.

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