Chapter 22

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It was a week after everything happened that the article broke. I had just gotten out of the shower, about to head to lunch with Liam when I saw it, and couldn't help myself.

I remember, vividly, the drop in my stomach as I read the words sprawled in the screen on my phone, the dread that planted itself within me. It was like being stabbed, impaled by a blade of unexplainable suffering. It was nothing I'd ever felt before, and trust me, I'd felt a lot.

"Ex member of boy band "One Direction" Louis Tomlinson and model, Eleanor Calder to marry in just two months time!"

I froze, teasing the words, but I couldn't tear my eyes away. It was like taking a hot shower. The water stings, but somehow you can't pull your body away. You loathe the pain but something draws you to it, as if it's all you've ever known.

So I read on.

"A close source says invitations were sent out a few days ago, and we're expecting an extravagant, beautiful wedding. Friends if Louis, including Ex band members Niall Horgan, Liam Payne, and evening Zayn Malik are expected as guests. Though the two seemed to have mended their differences in the recent weeks, a close course says "Watermelon sugar" singer Harry styles, has not been invited. It seems the reunion between the two was short lived, and Louis explains the mend in their friendship as a mistake. No other information has been disclosed but fans are furious and demanding answers. We can't help but wonder : has the drama they experienced in their earlier years the reason for the divide, or has something else triggered the dislike between the two?"

I shouldn't have been surprised. After all, Louis was still signed to the management we endured, and the paparazzi photos had created a traction in the situation of ours. And yet still, I was shocked to my very core.

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