Chapter 23 (memories)

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(QUICK WRITERS NOTE BEFORE THE CHAPTER!!! Veryyyy important pls read <3

This is a chapter from Harry's memories. Roughly five years ago a

Hi guys!! First of all thank you for all of your support on my tiktok and on all of these chapters. I never imagined this story to go as far as it did and the fact that do many people are anticipating this story is absolutely unreal. I recently went through a really rough few mo the and you guys have helped me to come out of it. I know I let everyone down by not updating for months, but coming back to this story and seeing all the love and support from each and every one of you was absolutely astounding. I owe a lot to all of you and I'm forever greatful for the understand you have. Thank you for everything. I lobe you all so much <3

Okay I'm done being sappy, let's get into the nitty gritty shit.

As I said before, Louis's son, Freddie is no longer involved in this story. I know he's been mentioned before, but I'd like to ask you all to disregard that. Freddie does not exist in this story, so the timelines may be off, but I promise everything will end up making sense. This story is far from over and I'm anticipating another thirty, if not more chapters, I fell back in love with this book thanks to all of you and I'm so Grateful for that. I may not update weekly, and I do ask y'all are patient with that. I'm almost twenty and I do have a full time 9-5 job.

Also, I want to warn you guys this chapter is emotional. Due to all the requests, I've decided to shed light on the last time Louis and Harry we're together, and how everything ended. I cried writing this chapter.

Due to this, I'd like to advise done dings to listen to while reading this chapter that I believe capture the emotion in it, for a more, emotional experience.

They are:

Champagne problems - Taylor swift

Experience - ludivico einaudi

Only - RY X

Serpents - Sharon van etten

Another love - Tom Odell

Also a reminder that the playlist for this fic is "fine line fic" by savroose.

My tiktok is @altmilliebobbybrown if you want to reach me, use # #finelinefic to make posts about this story!

Enjoy , let me know how you like this chapter :) )


Will you just wait!"

The words spilled from my mouth and my eyes were flooded by mist, blinded by the chaos. Everything was moving so fast, slipping away with intensity and yet somehow torturously droning on.

I felt myself chasing after him, trailing behind him as he ripped his belonging from the shelves and emptied the dressers of his clothing.

I was sweating, shaking with fear and riddled with anxiety.

My veins were on fire only to be put out by impossibility.

"For what, Harry," Louis spat, "for what."

Fine line (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now