Authors note

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As you can tell, I'm going to continue writing this story!!! I hope you guys liked the newest chapter, 25 will be out this week :)

I just wanted to ask, I really do love this story but I think my writing shines in a different style. You guys have been with me enjoying this story for years now and I really appreciate it.

I love to write, but my passion is more apocalyptic horror/drama. I was wondering, if I wrote a mlm apocalyptic story, would you guys be interested? It's something I've been writing since I was 17, and I really want to share it. I wrote kind of a rough draft on my account already called "the sun is back". It was based off of a viral twitter story, but if I rewrote it now, it wouldn't have that concept.

If not, I completely understand, but I could also write it as a Larry fic in the sense that Louis and Harry would be the ppl in the mlm relationship, but have no references to one direction at all. I could write original characters as well, or make it a mlm Harry fic with an original character rather than Louis. Just wanted to test the waters and see if any of you would be interested in that.

Love you all, pls lmk !!

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