Chapter 17

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I had been so lost in my own thoughts on the way home that I was surprised to realize I had basically walked past my own apartment, and even more surprised by the fact that a burly brunette boy was sitting in my front stairs.

"You've got some explaining to do, Styles."

Even his adorable Irish accent couldn't mask the tone of confusion and accusation and it didn't take me any time at all to realize that I was fucked.



"So, do you want a drink or anything?"

"No, Harry," Niall exclaimed only seconds after were entered the living room, "I would like done answers, you arse!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at his sad excuse at intimidation, and I let myself flop down on the couch as he took a seat in a chair, resting his elbows on his knees and leaning in.

"I'm confused," I spoke in amusement but stressors my voice as I caught his glare. "Am I in trouble?"

"I don't know," he exclaimed once more, "you tell me."

Niall proceeded to dig into his pocket and pull out his phone, scrolling for a bit before he found what he was looking for and directed to screen toward me.

On it, was a picture of Louis and I in the park, locked in that embrace I hasn't stopped thinking about since we'd parted ways. The caption read "One direction reunion, or just a passionate goodbye."


"Yeah," Niall said as he tore the phone away from my view. " 'Fuck' is right. What the hell is going on, Harry?"

I rose and started toward the kitchen, already reaching for a glass. I was going to need a drink for this one.

"I don't understand what the issue is," I lied, "we just met up for a few."

"The issue, Harry," Niall proceeded as he rose to follow me into the kitchen, "is that I read about this meeting on TMZ Instead of heating it from you."

I felt a pang if guilt in my gut as I began to pour two shots of whiskey. Of course, I should've told Niall, but honestly, I wasn't quite sure what was going on myself.

"Infact, I haven't heard anything from you recently. Y'know, after you bolted at the party before even saying goodbye."

I looked up at his worried bluish eyes and shot him an apologetic look.

"I know, mate, and I am sorry about that. Things have just been a bit....tricky."

As if in cue, we both took our shots and winced at the sting of the alcohol. It was only now that I realized I hadn't eaten anything today. Oh well, nothing I hadn't gone before.

After recovering, Niall looked back up to me as he sat his glass down.

"And they haven't been tricky before? C'mon Harry, how many times have I been in a tricky situation with you. Have I ever let you down?"

I looked to him, defeated, and put a hand on his shoulder.

"No, you haven't. I'm sorry, I've been a real ass lately."

Niall smiles at me sheepishly and I felt myself calm. The last thing I wanted was him angry at me, especially before I told him what was going on.

"Now, lets here about this meeting."

I smirked, only a little and led him toward the living room.

"You might want to sit down for this one."

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