Chapter 25

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Listen, I have never and have never wanted for call a woman a bitch in my life.

But that bartender was a bitch.

I woke up at six am to the WORST headache Ive ever had in my life, and I'm choosing to blame it on those disgusting pink drinks she made us last night. A very dim stream of light was pouring in from my open blinds, and if I wasn't massively hungover, I would've thought the way the light glistened over Alex's skin was beautiful.

If I wasn't so hungover, I would've thought the way his arm layed across my chest was romantic. Or maybe I would've thought his bed head was cute and hilarious. I would've thought his quiet breaths of sleep were adorable.

Maybe if I wasn't hungover.

Or maybe if it wasn't him.

I don't regret last night at all. Meeting Alex has been one of the most awakening moments of my life, and sleeping with him has been more than that. But I knew what this was, and so did he. He filled a void for one night, no one but Louis could fill it forever.

He was beautiful, Alex, in more ways than one. He had a good heart, I could tell that from the beginning. He seemed to know me without my explanation. Alex had said last night that he'd had thousands of heartbreaks. I wonder if that's what made him see me so clearly.

I looked over at him as he slept, and thought about what we could be if the circumstances had been different. He was good. He was lovely. He's someone my mother would've wanted for me.

Alex was someone I would date, one hundred percent. He's the type of person I could be with for a while, the type of person who would never run.

But that hasn't always exactly been my type, has it?


Two days before meeting Alex (look back at chapter 22 ending)

"You're so fucked up," i rasped, struggling to look away from his lips.

"And what are you?" Louis spat.

His voice was a whisper, taunting and strained.

I stood, balancing the weight, testing the consequence.

And then I gave in.

My lips crashed against his and I felt a current rush through my body, calming it, yearning it, craving it.

And then I realized.

I didn't want it either.

I needed it.

Louis kissed me back passionately, with the same energy as me. I could feel my pulse racing, my skin crawling with excitement. It was like someone had lit a fuse deep inside of me. I have waited for this. I've dreamt of this. I've needed this for so long. Our lips got together like puzzle pieces, and he started of honeysuckle and warmth. I could feel my body morphing into his, back into the spaces I had loved the most.

Louis's hand was on my cheek and I could feel the skin beneath it burning.

It was perfect, it was electric, it was -

"Wait." Louis spoke softly, breaking away from my lips.

"Yeah?" I was out of breath, basically panting.

"I..." he wavered off "I can't."

I blinked in confusion.


Louis backed away from me, his eyes still on me, the memory of his lips still on my mouth.

"Harry... it's just.. I want to, okay? I do. I need to but... I need some time first."

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