Chapter 20

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A knock at my front door disrupts me from my thoughts and I know exactly who it is.

I walk softly to the door way and pull the handle, revealing Liam, who immediately starts walking in.

"Sure, make yourself at home," I scoff comically.

"Harry," Liam speaks in a warning tone. "This is not good."

His swiftness to get the the point alarms me, and so does the serious tone in his voice. I mean yes, the article was not the best thing that could of happened in this instance, but it certainly wasn't the end of the world. More Incriminating photos have come out about even more A list people, and they'd lived it down.

I shut the door quietly behind me and followed Liam into my living room, sitting down on the couch whine he proceeded to pace around the room.

This was just like him, Liam, to become easily worked up at a minor inconvenience. Liam was always a very, careful, protective person, and when something happened to so done he cared about, he was the first to start damage control.

It was endearing, I admit, but not when I hadn't seen him in ages or when the situation had close to nothing to do with him.

"So," I spoke casually, an attempt at diffusing the situation, "how are you?"

Liam laughed nervously and continued to pace.

"Just bloody amazing Harry, how are you?"

I turned to him, irritation growing within me.

"I'm actually doing fine, Liam, which is why I'm confused by all of this. Why are you so freaked out?"

Liam stopped in his place and looked at me almost in disbelief.

"Are you serious right now?" He threw his hands up in defeat. "Do you really not see how bad this could make things?"

Out of both confusion and irritation, I stood from my seat, letting my voice rise.

"Exactly what things are you talking about here Liam? What the hell have I done to make things so bad?"

My frustration continued to rise and Liam senses this, taking a dramatic breath in and taking a seat next to me on the couch, motioning for me to do so as well.

Reluctantly I listened to him, taking my own deep breath and looking up at him, offering him a chance to speak.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come off so strong mate. It's just..."

"Just what, Liam"

He shot me an apologetic look and continued.

"It seems that you may be forgetting that Louis is still with syco."

I shut my eyes as I let his words resonate with me.


With everything that had went on today I had forgotten the most important and detrimental consequence for the leaked photo wouldn't be catered toward me, but for Louis and his career.

"You need to take into consideration that Louis can't do the same things you and I can, be can't be careless, he has to be careful. His career, and most importantly his health could be on the line here. You know how they are, and how they treat you when you don't conform to the norms they set out for you."

I exhaled shakily snd immediately felt a surge of guilt run through my body. It had completely slipped my mind, the fact that Louis still didn't have the freedom the rest of us did.

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