Julie and the Phantoms: Wired Autocomplete Interview

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Hello hello hello beautiful people. Author here. This is just a fun little one shot I wrote at one a.m. after binging a bunch of Wired Interviews on YouTube.
I'm working on another JatP fic that's much longer and has an actual plot, so keep an eye out.
I aged up the characters a bit and messed with the timeline to make it a little more realistic, just so you know.
It is not stated that the guys are ghosts or were ghosts and came back to life. But nothing says that they weren't either.
Feel free to think whatever you like, and enjoy

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Julie: "Hi, I'm Julie Molina."

Luke: "I'm Luke Patterson."

Reggie: "Hey, I'm Reggie Peters."

Alex: "And I'm Alex Mercer."

Julie: "And we're Julie and the Phantoms."

Reggie: "Tell your friends!"

Alex: "Not now, Reggie."

Luke: "And this-"

Julie: "Is our Wired Autocomplete Interview."

The Wired Autocomplete Interview Intro plays.
Julie holds the first card as Reggie reads it to the group.

Reggie: "Lukas Charles Patterson."

Luke: "Middle name too? Really Reggie?"

Reggie: "Yes."

Alex: "Just read the card Reg."

Reggie: "Ok, ok. When did...Luke Patterson...join Julie and the Phantoms?"

Luke: "Oh, ok. Easy one. I joined the band at the same time Alex and Reggie did. We're a package deal."

Julie: "Oh really? Then why didn't I get a receipt?"

Reggie and Alex dissolve into laughter. Luke pretends to look offended.

Luke: "You know you love us."

Julie: "Yeah, yeah I do."

Reggie: "Next one. Luke Patterson...relationship?"

Reggie and Alex immediately groan.

Alex: "Don't get him started. Please. For all of our sanity."

Luke: "Shut up Alex, you're the same way. Anyways, after many, many, MANY months of one-sided flirting, the very talented lead singer of Julie and the Phantoms, Julie Molina, finally agreed to go out with me. We've been dating for about 2 years now, and she's amazing."

Julie: "Aww, Luke's a simp!"

Luke: "I don't know what that is but if it means that you're too good for me then yeah."

Reggie: "MOVING ON before they get all lovey-dovey. How old...is Luke Patterson?"

Luke: "Twenty."

Reggie: "And lastly...Luke Patterson... war with sleeveless shirts?"

Luke: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Alex: "Dude. You literally never wear shirts with sleeves. Ever."

Alex gestures to Luke's band t-shirt, which is sleeveless.

Alex: "People are making memes about it on Instagram. You have a problem."

Luke: "I do not. I just don't like shirts with sleeves. They're claustrophobic. Anyways, can we move on? I want to interrogate Reggie."

Julie and the Phantoms: Wired Autocomplete InterviewWhere stories live. Discover now