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So here's the thing guys. I wasn't going to post the first chapter of my JatP x Descendants fic until I had ten chapters prewritten.
Because I learned the hard way with Lights Up.
That I am a very sporadic writer and there is the distinct possibility that I will run out of chapters to post before I can write more.
But then today
I offhandedly mentioned my fic in the comment section of an amazing JatP one-shot book by @SUN5ETSWERVE, and a few people jumped on it, saying they would read it.
Particularly, @Juke98605 and @lord_moldyvort
Shout out to you guys
So I thought, you know what, screw it.
I'm gonna post the fic.
So I did.
It's posted.
Please go read it.
And if you like it...TELL YOUR FRIENDS.
Anyways, that's it folks

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