▪︎ Lost him because of me ▪︎

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Jungkook suddenly stopped walked as Jimin popped his back at him. Jungkook stare at Jimin who looked behind him as he thought Jungkook looking at someone not him. "What are you actually doing in that class where everyone leaves?"

Jimin blinked at him "Are you doubting me..? I was just talked to him."

"I'm not doubting...I have no rights to do that"

Jimin rolled his eyes "Fine bye" He heeled up to move.."Where are you going now?"

"Why you cares?"

"Come on, I'll drop you..."

"No need, I take bus...No need of your help Dr.Jeon" He made a sassy tone at every words.

Jungkook tight his lips to control his smile "...It was an order..get it" he said while walked to parking where his car parked. Jimin kick the floor and followed him back.


Somewhere In London..

"I'll see you later baby"

"See you darling" Taehyung said his goodbye to the old Man who around 45+ about to exit the car's door but that man grabbed him by his waist and kissed him so deeply. Taehyung immediately responded to it. After a hot moment Taehyung corrected his shirt and exit the door.

After he waved his goodbye to the car that hide so far. Taehyung made disgusting face while rub his lips with wet tissues.

"Fucking asshole"

He heeled up to enter the cafe day shop and sat on the corner, still rub his lips with wet tissues.
He called someone and ordered it. After 10 minutes he received it.

He sighs and drunk one sips from the Banana Milkshake. He slowly touched the glass cup and circled it smoothly...


"Why you always order banana Milkshake. It's not that much taste" Taehyung said while placed back the banana Milkshake after sips it. They both sat on the cafe shops were with theme of coffee quoted and book around the walls.

"I love it.. I even drink it for one day without break"


"Don't ew at someone's favourite Milkshake..that's sin"

"I'm sorry...I never know it before" Taehyung smiled immediately and poked his tongue which Jungkook poked inside his cheeks.

"What are you reading?" Taehyung looked at big book that Jungkook had been reading it while drinks the Banana Milkshakes.


"Cardi -B ahhh what?"

Jungkook chuckled and turned the next page to read "Tomorrow is my seminar, it's about Cardiology...."

"Oh, ah Are you gonna be doctor soon?"

"Yes Tae..I'll heal people with my Magical wands" Jungkook said while made his hands do the action of Magics.

"Then I'm gonna call you Dr.Kookie~"

"Then I was like...Yes Mr.Taehyung how can I help you?"

Taehyung showed his boxy smile "How will you treat me?"

Jungkook picks the Banana Milkshake up to Taehyung's lips "I'll give you this" Taehyung laughed hit his arms to back away the Milkshake.

"Kiss me...stay with me..It's enough for me to heal up" Taehyung cupped his face while leaned closed to Jungkook and blinked twice his eyes.

Jungkook stared at him for a second and pecks his lips and backed away while giggled at his cuteness. Taehyung grabbed him to kiss the hell out.


Taehyung looked at his Banana Milkshaked as his eyes had tears on it. 'I lost him, because of my fault'


"....I was like screaming in his ear and he scolded me for what I did to him" Jimin said and clapped his hand at his own statement.

Jungkook sighs for the nth time and caressed his nose bridge. They're on the way back to Jimin's home. Jimin never shut his mouth for any break. From the moment he got in car till now, he keep talking about random stuff, never care about Jungkook is listening or not but he keep telling the story of How he felt about amusement park. But, Jungkook actually listen everything.

"When will you shut your mouth? How can you keep talk without a break?" Jungkook asked him while turned the leftside.

Jimin glared at Jungkook "I was quite today..."

"This is called quite? Then what in your dictionary called 'keep talking' ?" Jungkook said while looked at left mirror to check if any vehicle coming or not.

Jimin crossed his arms while default pout on his lips. "Here...leave" Jungkook said and stopped his car at where he parked yesterday.

Jimin looked at rightside and to Jungkook "Fine I'm leaving..No one asked you to drop me but you did it and you regretting it now"

Jimin removed his seat belt and leaned back to take the book which is in back seat, as he keep try to pick up but he can't reach it because of short arm. Jungkook looked at him, he controlled his smile as he removed his seat belt "I'll help you"

"No need Dr.Jeon" He said and again trying to take that book and at the same time Jungkook also leaned back to pick the book because of his long arm. "Look, I got--" Jungkook was paused while looked at Jimin who looked back. They both had a inch gap, as Jimin gulped and stared at Jungkook's lips and his eyes. Their both breathes faned on both lips. It didn't take much time to kiss those plump lips but Jungkook immediately back away throws the book on Jimin's lap.

Jimin blinked and immediately take the book to his chest and got away from the car then closed the door behind. He headed down to wave his hand but Jungkook already started his car.

"Bye Dr.Jeon" Jimin said while looking at car's back which soon disappeared on the corner of the street. "It was second time happening" Jimin touched his lips. "Even If he did, I don't mind it tho" He twirls his legs in Jolly mood.


Jungkook pants while driving to the way back to home. "If it still continue, I may do things to him" he tapped his stirring wheels. "Jeon Jungkook learn self control."

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