▪︎ Can I play with You ▪︎

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Jungkook looked at upstairs after Jimin climbed to his room. He slowly placed his hand on his left chest, inhales and exhales very calmly. "What the heck, he Just did right now?" Jungkook sighs while caressed his forehead.

"But why? Wearing those sinful attire?" Jungkook again looked at upstairs and titled head to peeked at stare again.

He slowly shutting down his laptop and placed on the table. Blue wiggles his tail to Jungkook who eyed him "Your Mom is so bad guy" he said pats his head. "Go to him" he said to blue who runned to upstairs.

"If he keep doing this..I-I don't know what to do...I might ..b-e..... No!!! Jungkook don't you dare" He practically scolded himself and heeled up to leave for his room.


"Why do you keep checking the news?"

Taehyung asked hoseok while placed the cafe on his table. There were both sat on the beautiful cute house decorated with luxurious things.

"I'm just checking. What if he report about you? Or we don't know we might leaved the trace without knowing us?" Hoseok said and picked the cafe.

"No fucking way! I'm his affair and we got all his back money. He is married man and had a children. So in all conclusion. Reporting us is out of the box." Taehyung said and sat opposite to him.

"He is such a fool, A complete idiot" he added and picks the mini bag and throws to Hoseok. Hoseok slowly placed the cup on the table, with a confused look he opened the bag. That reveal more diamonds and jewels. Hoseok wided his eyes on Taehyung.

"The reason why he is fool, he trusted me. He even gave me a password of everything he had. The diamonds and Jewels are most precious one. He said he is gonna give to me once he got married to me. Obviously it's mine so I took it while I leave."


"He said it. I don't have fuck to him. He also planning to kill his wife for me. What the heck? So, I wrote a letter to her wife without address. I hope she will understand and leave that Man...and live happily."

Hoseok smiled and puts the diamonds on the bags "We don't need this..maybe we can sale it. I have people for it"

"Why?" Taehyung pouted.

"I'll buy for you. You don't need someone's love" Hoseok said possessively "and..I also signed the cheque for orphans home. So, we will be visit them on sunday" Taehyung nodded to him and sips the cafe.


"That's okie...I mean totally okay"


"I-mean yeah fine... you know..."


"I don't understand"

Jimin headed up to meet Jin's glare. "I said No thanks"

"Woah? What do you mean"

"Hyung..you know, he didn't even glance at me. I mean I'm not that worthy."

"Maybe he is straight?"


"I'm just kidding" Jin gulped and sheepish smile at Jimin who made about to cry face "Listen Jiminie...this is your first time. Come on, how about second chances?"

"I lost hope"

"You shouldn't be like this. Try again. We have 3 chances. Now you have 2. So, grab it and do it"

Wounded Heart || Jikook ☆Completed☆Where stories live. Discover now