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YOU WERE REALLY OFF YOUR GAME TODAY. Needless to say it was one of those days where all you want to do is hibernate in your bed and not come out until food was made.

That wasn't an option because Bakugou was over, you were practicing in your music room more songs to figure out which one you liked. It being pretty early in the morning you were not only upset but tired as well.

With your mom being in the hospital there were just days when you felt like you couldn't do it.

What was happening to you didn't go unnoticed by Bakugou. Being lazy with playing your guitar while he was working his ass off. It wasn't intentional, you couldn't control it.

He wanted to see you with the eyes you had when playing music. It was unnerving to see you so down about something, and he was determined to figure it out.

"Hey music freak! What's your fucking deal, your never this shitty with your playing. I want to get shit done without you half-assing it." It was the nicest way he could ask 'what's wrong' with it pride being in the way.

For you, what he said was the tipping point. The tears started to pour from your already broken (e/c) eyes. You fell on the floor covering your face so he didn't have to see how pathetic you were acting.

This just made Bakugou more nervous. Was he really being that harsh? He didn't mean to, it just came out that way.

"I'm s-sorry Katsuki, it's been a r-really bad day and I just c-can't take it. I-I don't want t-things the be the way they a-are. I h-hate it!" you sobbed to your hands. Bakugou walked over to you in the most quiet way possible.

"Listen, I'm sorry for being an ass. I didn't mean to make you fucking cry. Just tell me what's wrong and I can maybe help. I'll be super fucking good at it too!" This made you laugh a little which made Bakugou feel more confident about the situation at hand.

You took your guitar off your shoulders and sat next to Bakugou on the floor. It was time to tell him, you held it off for too long. It was just such a sensitive topic you didn't feel comfortable sharing with anyone.

The Music in Me / K. BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now