The mess to come~Chapter 3

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Back to the present!Mayumi POV>>>>>>>>>>>

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Back to the present!
Mayumi POV

I was overjoyed that one part of my plan worked. But still if we don't act fast problems will come. Just knowing he's alive is enough for me. I made it back to the others.

"Hello? Are you guys back?" I said. Looking around immediately noticed something off. Some things were moved around. And there were mud foot prints on the floor. My teammates would have answered by now!

I quickly located the person trapping them in my vines. I heard a pure shrieking noise come from that way. It made me believe it was child. Weird a child here how?! The only way to get in is if you're one of my teammates or me...
I walked towards the person with my mask on.
When I saw the person in front of me I panicked.

"W-who are you? Where am I!?" Said the little girl confused. It can't be I already found her...

"Mayumi calm down... no worries... why are you here?" I said speaking slowly. Shocked to see my former self. Time travel is beyond me sometimes...

"Ugh the most annoying guy dared me to go in... WAIT YOU KNOW MY NAME!" Younger me yelled.

I stepped closer to her. She looked frightened but still ready to fight if need be. I slowly took off my mask the look on her face priceless.

"My dear don't look so shocked... we are the same person I'm just future you." I said bopping her on the nose.

"How? I don't believe you lady. Stupid Shisui gets me into crap like this..." young me mumbled sighing. I was happy young me knew Shisui already.

What I'm about to do next isn't very friendly. See to be able to stay here there needs to be only one of you. So I had planed this out. I learned a jutsu that can morph my consciousness in her body. So I'll be her but be me... confused yeah me too... basically I need to be her age and be her only to stay.

I pressed my hand on her forehead and started my jutsu. Slowly we morphed feeling her memories become mine. We are one again. I was in her body! Or mine....
I can always go back to my old body if need be. My older self fell to the ground with thumb.

Realizing I'm still in my own trap I retracted my vines to my body. Just as I was about to drag big me to my room. I felt someone's presence.

"Who's there?" Said the voice vibrating through the room.

It was a odd situation entirely...
to see two young's boys staring at me with shocked gazes. I realized how weird and suspicious I looked at this moment. The sight a of young girl dragging a older women somewhere. Like I had murdered her or something. Not only that but this room was filled with scrolls and experiments.

Yes, I said experiments I had to make these jutsus by my self which took forever. Luckily I still had as much power as older me.

I then realized who the two boys were. Younger Araya and Takei my teammates. I can't transfer them to the older them's body. I have to but them in a genjutsu. I suck at genjutsu lucky for me I have one!

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