Envy you~Chapter 10

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^ This Is Izumi but she's 12 now

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^ This Is Izumi but she's 12 now. 

Mayumi POV

Shisui and me successfully made it back to the village. After the argument and sort of forgave each other. We were on awkward terms. The trip back was silent and I wish I had my friend back. Who would joke about stupid things. Who would resist my "stare". Who would go out and eat at the bakery with me. 

Itachi was waiting at the gate for me of course. He had a smile on his face. I couldn't deny that he was a funny kid. I walked over to him and hugged him tight. We both let got and I smiled at him. I know I don't like him but he's still my friend in my eyes. I need a friend and I'll never admit that again...

"Ita-kun~ i'll see you at the dango shop soon after I get cleaned up."  I said doing my usual line. 

"I'll see you there Mayumi." He said with his usual bored looking face. I can't stand it nowadays. 

I was walking away and went the back way to my house when I heard sobbing. I was behind a wall where the person couldn't see where I am. I peered over to see a girl with long brown hair. I knew her as Izumi, Itachi's friend and supposed crush...

"Ita... I envy you Mayumi Hoshima." said Izumi who was looking at a picture of Itachi and her. 

I envy you, Izumi. It feels like your life is a lot easier than mine. Sorry about your crush. Nothing personal just fate. Purpose mostly though. You, Izumi don't have a set fate your free. Like a spring flower in the ground. Till picked and discarded with purpose. 

I slid down the wall of the building next to me. Blocking off all sounds but her cries for Itachi. I felt like indecent trash. But I have a set purpose and will fulfill it! I slid back up the wall and used my shunshin of black roses to get back to my house unnoticed. 

I instantly heard knocking at my door. I let whoever is knocking knock one more time. Pull yourself together Mayumi! I huffed and opened the door. Takei and Araya. 

"Yes?" I said already knowing what they want. Updates. 

"Updates" Said Araya simply. 

"Ok, I'm ready lets go..." I breathed.  

We walked in silence most dreading to speak even a word. Not one of us really liked what was going on. We are just 14 years old to young to think about such things. This should be about what we want. But fate always has different plans. We finally made it to the meeting room the clan leaders aligned by the wall. All sitting high and mighty while we wallow in self pity.   

"Please sit like usual... Mayumi inappropriate smile..." said Aunt Iwata. She's my aunt not my new mom! I shrugged and sat down in my seat .    

"Update 66 begin..." said Shinsato as always.

"We'll with Araya this time..." drawled out Moriyama.

"Well Anko Mitarashi has became friends but nothing more or less. She often struggles with nightmares. She tells me about them every so often and seems to trust me." said Araya who always cuts things short. 

"Do better and get closer Araya..." came the stern voice of Shinsato. 

"Takei next." said Moriyama smiling at her son. Takei shivered. 

"Well um see... Shizune is very head strong and hard to deal with... So I don't exactly know what we are.." said Takei shivering again. Does he have a cold? Isn't Shizune quite? 

"Ahh I see... she recently has been training with lady Tsunade" said Moriyama. Her beaming at the thought. 

"Mayumi?" said Shinsato getting annoyed.

"Yes, things have been going great. Itachi and I are going to eat out at the dango shop soon." I said smiling. Fake smiling. 

"Oh good..." Nakashima said smiling sweetly. 

The first thing she's says all day. She's sweet but truly bitter over all. But can be very persuasive some time. She's good and bad. right in the middle. They announced the meeting over and we all went on with are lifes.

I made my way to the dango shop not excited. But I guess it's okay for now. After seeing Izumi crying I feel selfish, truly. Purpose and fate keep me moving on two legs everyday. I sat in my usual spot to wait for Itachi. I heard someone inter. 

"Ita-kun?" I said. I changed into a nice pink dress before coming. 

"I'm here." he said in a monotone voice. 

"Good..." I sighed and smiled sweetly.

"I found Izumi crying earlier. Do you know why?" asked Itachi.

Does he know?! Or is he generally wondering? Or, or is he accusing me?

"I don't know why... She tends to not talk to me. Sorry."

"Oh just wondering how was your mission?" he asked looking monotone again. Is he jealous that I was with Shisui and not him? 

"Oh we had a skirmish... A little fight but we made up in the end..." I breathed out.

"Oh well I'm just glad you both made up..." He drawled out. 

We sat there eating dango awkwardly. I knew he was worried or troubled but didn't wanna push it. Hopefully one day my purpose will be presented to me on a shinny plate. That would be pure luck though. Wishful thinking at most. 

"I must get going my mother will be worried if I'm late..." Itachi said. 

"Bye Ita-kun~" I said smiling. Fake.

He exited the store very slowly or at least to me. I sat staring at the table for at least 13 minutes...

"Miss we are closing..." said the shopkeeper looking concerned. 

All feeling in my body was gone. What happened next I will never get over. 

"No..." I said my pink eyes glowing. 

The shopkeeper and I the only ones in the store. I had watched all the rest leave minutes earlier. The shopkeeper was scared and screeched. But I wouldn't let go of her arm. My roses snaked up her arm. Slowly leaving cuts along the way. Then the spirit somehow formed a hand out of my body and knocked her to the ground.   

Her body soaked into floor never seen again...

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