Act I; Part X: Ultima Sigma

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Viper meets up with team Besh, and they move forward into the shadow of the tower. In the clearing lands the Necrotic Clone in the winged armor. 

Zatnibi pulls out her lightsabers, "I expected we'd have one more obstacle in our way before reaching Ultima Sigma."

The warrior pulls out his rifle and takes flight. He fires a volley at Jorus, who runs to the side and deflects what he can. Zatnibi says, "I can't sense him... but his rifle on the other hand..." She summons the rifle to her, then disassembles it in such record time that even Balus is proud, "Great work... I didn't expect that to work. That rifle is among the deadliest... it can shoot through any metal in just a couple shots, faster than lightsabers even. Without that, he shouldn't be a problem for the 4 of you."

Rhetta brings up a counterargument, "Kriff Balus, haven't you learned not to assume anything just from looks today?"

"I guess not."

"That bluish silver armor is called mithril. Its potential for protection is without equal. A millimeter of Mithril offers the same protection as 900 millimeters of Beskar. Since Beskar is already so strong it makes the humble armor you're wearing look like it was made for junior's first speeder bike, that is saying something."

"Why haven't I heard of it before?"

"Big Boss only has enough for 2 sets of power armor, those wings, and a small surplus he has on hand in case anything comes up. No one else has any, because it's ridiculously difficult to make even if you know what you're doing, and only the Army of the Sun has that secret."

Balus hesitantly changes his previous advice, "In that case, I would assume he packed those wings with the best tech in the galaxy, probably fueled with pure coaxium. Same goes for the power armor. Expect him to be slower than his Necrotic Clone counterparts, but hit like a pod racer on Coruscant in the fast lane."

Kel yells up at him, "You think that armor makes you something special? You're still nothing, and I'm going to be the coolest guy on Mandalore when I bring it home."

Rhetta's disapproval is unmistakable, "Without that armor, he's still a genetically perfect super soldier. And by the way, we literally used Mandalore as our comparative to explain how intense the Necrotic Clones' upbringing was. He isn't going to respond to anything you say because he wants you to end the fight not knowing anything about him. Knowledge is power and he won't give you any."

Kel laughs, "I know."

"Then why..."

"Because of that!"

Zatnibi strikes the Clone from above with a blast of wind, and grabs his wings. While holding on, she begins to try to sense the insides of the wings, searching for coaxium to ignite. She is interrupted when he grabs her neck with a mithril wrapped tentacle and lifts her away. He flies up and away from the crew, dangling her in front of him. He reaches out with another tentacle to separate her head from her body.

Viper finishes charging the rail gun and yells, "Give me an opening and I'll zap the wings off this mynock!"

Kel yells back, "coming right up!" He wraps a coil around the tower gate and the clone's head and it begins to retract. The clone settles for slamming Zatnibi onto the ground while he reaches around to cut the cable with his wrist blade. Just as he does, the tension loss snaps him into just the right angle for Viper to shoot one of the boosters on the wings with his rail gun. That booster explodes so brightly it blinds the team. 

When they look up, he's embedded in the wall to the right of the tower. He pulls himself out, shaking ceramic tiles and bits of stone off. The wings haven't even changed shape, but the thruster interior wasn't all mithril, so the damaged booster is emitting thick black smoke.

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