Act I; Finale

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Master Rael meets with Traytorus in the hanger. He says, "I know what you've been doing on Bakura. You're lucky we have the grand plan coming up, or the repercussions would be a lot worse than the stern discussion we're having now."

Traytorus says, "Brother was there."


"Morkad Viper."

"So it is true. Boss will want to know about this."

"I'd like to speak with him."

"Not until Yag'dhul. He will be going to Thyferra by another means so we can skip any delay a diversion would cause us. Lady Erika will meet us at the same time since she also goes to Underworld War Council meetings to represent the Hammer of Light. Struwwel will also be meeting us at this time. Grand Admiral Zherph will join us in the Brentaal system. The Konkrer armada will join us in the Coruscant system along with the rest of the Hammer Captains. Erlkönig is already preparing the defenses for Termina."

"Except for mine of course," says Nym. 

Master Rael grimaces, "Yes. You will be responsible for the defenses on the 2nd floor of the battle tower. Your... fiancé? Whatever that woman is to you, she's already setting things up the way you wanted them."

Nym adds, "Actually, I had an idea for the Nightsisters if you'll allow me to set some defenses on the desolate plain of the dark lords."

Master Rael is hesitant, "We shouldn't over rely on Sheila's visions. It is almost certain that the pale witches and mistress of the undead she saw mean that a Nightsister presence can be expected, it's too much to assume that they will be present in the desolate plains for certain, or that whatever plan you have will be beneficial. Big Boss said not to ignore her visions, but to assume that the force will do whatever it takes to preserve control over the galaxy, even deny her the very gift it gave her to begin with."

Nym blushes, "Well I don't mean that. I just mean I have something that will be helpful in negating their advantage. It will be somewhat useful even if they don't show up. And it doesn't matter where they attack, I will still be able to deploy it."

Rael turns to leave, "Very well. The journey to Bakura was short, so we're ready for the leap to Endor already. I'll be on the bridge if you need anything.

Viper and Besh team watch stars streak past in hyperspace

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Viper and Besh team watch stars streak past in hyperspace. Kel walks into the cockpit, "You may want to check to holonet."

There's a holonet update addressed to both the Republic and the Empire from the Stellar Army. When opened, a Gand appears, not wearing a mask. Rael famously keeps his work areas adjusted for his atmosphere so he doesn't have to wear masks. The background here appears to be the bridge of a Resurgent Class Star Destroyer. 

He says, "This is Master Rael of the Army of the Sun, right hand of Big Boss. As I'm sure both the New Republic and New Empire are both aware by now, Forcekiller Base has entered the galaxy proper. The purpose of this base is to attack the force itself by emitting a field that suppresses the connections between all things, essentially creating a bubble in which the force does not exist. While this technology was made by the empire, and the base it now calls home built by the First Order, it was our army that made it possible.

"When we reach the center of the galaxy just a short hyperspace journey beyond the Termina system, we will activate the base, effectively ending the force forever. Our forces will join us every step of the way to bolster our already formidable defenses to protect this virtuous mission. Forcekiller base will reach true Galactic Center and there's nothing that can be done to stop it. Since we don't expect either of the galaxy's major factions to accept our word for it, we will be doing everything in our power to protect the base.

"While we expect many smaller skirmishes along the way, the logical conclusion for the battle is either Coruscant,  Byss, or Termina. To control the battleground we fight on, we will do everything we can to shorten our layover in the former systems to make Termina the setting of the battle. This will naturally follow hyperspace tracking from Byss, but that goes without saying.

"For those factions out there who have doubts about whether or not our cause is just, the upcoming War Council meeting on Thyferra has 62 confirmed participants. Get in touch with one of them to air your concerns and learn more about our argument for Total Galactic Eclipse.

"As for you, leaders of the New Imperial Order and Senate of the New Republic... we'll see you on Termina. You know where you have to meet us and you know we're more than capable of fighting anyone you send early. If we meet before that, that is blood on your hands."

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