Act II; Part VIII: Legends Never Die

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Forcekiller Base Progression: Brentaal

Previous system: Kashyyyk

Next Destination: Coruscant

Big Boss calls Zherph, "2 more hours until the jump to Brentaal. Still no word from Konkra?"

Zherph says, "No. Based on their launch data and hyperdrive specifications, they'll reach Coruscant within the next 10 minutes. The Golems of Forcekiller base report that every minute ahead of schedule they engage the hyperdrive here is 3 more minutes we'll have to wait in the Coruscant system to make the Termina jump in one shot. The Maracavanya blockade in Galactic North collapsed too recently for them to reinforce the coalition fleet either way, but to make the jump before the Republic 9th fleet from Utapau can join the coalition fleet we'll need to make the jump in at least 40 minutes from now. 

"Ideally, we'll want to make the jump in at least 70 minutes to beat the Imperial 6th fleet from Nal Hutta. I've told Erika to be ready to reinforce the Sun Herald. We came out of hyperspace further apart than expected after the jump from Kashyyyk, about 250 Kilometers apart. The CMRA was all to eager to put itself between us."


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Eliant stares out the front viewport, surveying the Sun Herald and its support fleet. There are 20 Imperial Star Destroyers, 7 Star Heralds, 8 Resurgent Class Star Destroyers, 6 Xyston Class Star Destroyers minus their primary lasers, 2 MC-85 Star Cruisers, 1 MC-80 Star Cruiser, 2 Providence Class Dreadnoughts, and 1 Venator Class Star Destroyer divided between 7 formations. 4 of those formations are in the corners, and 3 are on the port side facing the CMRA.

The CMRA has sent away its 10 Laser equipped Conquest class Star Destroyers and replaced them with 10 standard models, bringing the total back up to 40 Conquest class Star Destroyers supporting the CMRA. His Ysalamir is back in his meditation chamber, with Balthazar ready to bring it at any moment.

He senses Erika on the Starshine and Master Rael on the Solar Flare, 2 Mandator IV Class Siege Dreadnoughts. He can also sense Struwwel on the Starshine, but no one else. Agent Viper reported that Lumina was on Bakura, so her absence means she most likely isn't coming. Erlkönig attacked a Mandalorian clan ship to retrieve Ultima Sigma's wings, but he can use the Dark Obliterator's ability to transport himself directly to Termina, so his absence here tells Eliant nothing.

Big Boss, Rael, and Rafael are also capable of using this to reach the Great Leviathan on Termina. Nemo said he believed there was a 2nd Great Leviathan identical to the first, giving those 3 more options for sharing ownership. With Rael here, the other 2 probably intended to do just that, if they hadn't already that is.

Jaydkell and Nelryl have concluded their training for the day. They rest on the Port observation deck. Jaydkell points at the Starshine, "That ship is where Erika is. Can you sense her?"

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