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Once he's pulled himself together, he explains what changed:

23 BBY: Anakin Skywalker defeats Count Dooku on Geonosis. He captures him to bring to Coruscant, but Separatist forces rescue him en route.

20 BBY: Anakin Skywalker defeats General Grievous. Gen'dai mercenary Durge is selected to fill his role.

19 BBY: Anakin Skywalker kills Count Dooku during the battle of Coruscant. He traces Durge to the Utapau system.

Obi-wan Kenobi defeats Durge on Utapau. The remaining Separatist leadership retreats to Mustafar.

Darth Sidious commands the Clones to Execute Order 66. His apprentice, Darth Vader, leads the assault on the Jedi temple. The Galactic Republic reorganizes into the Galactic Empire. Darth Vader eliminates Separatist leadership on Mustafar. Darth Vader defeats Obi-wan Kenobi, leaving him for dead. Master Yoda recovers Master Kenobi, but he is left permanently disfigured.

18 BBY: Padme Amidala dies in a Rebel attack. Darth Vader suspects his Master may have manipulated Rebels into launching the attack, as far too many unlikely circumstances lined up to accept as a tragic accident. Unable to prove anything, he says nothing.

11 BBY: Rhid Bellesk and Riker Alden's militia is discovered on Rishi. They retreat into the unknown regions using data from Darth Necros' navi-computer.

8 BBY: The Vashian Queen attempts to rescue her sister from Edel's clutches. She fails, herself becoming a slave to the cruel mistress. Shortly after, Edel tires of them both, ordering their executions. Peter Ritter becomes King of Vash.

5 BBY: Andral Escher defects to Alden and Belessk's militia, now viewing the destruction of the Sith as vitally necessary for the fate of the galaxy. 

3 BBY: The Hammer of Light is dispatched to Lothal. Kanan Jarrus is defeated in combat. Ezra Bridger is captured and tortured on Mustafar, with goal of making him an inquisitor. C1-10P is mind wiped and reprogramed. The Lasat Garrazeb is enslaved and sent to work in imperial mining operations. The remaining 2 members of the Ghost crew are publicly beheaded on Lothal, as is common for the Hammer of Light when capturing local rebel heroes. 

Ezra Bridger escapes, aided by Ahsoka Tano, who sacrifices herself to help him escape. Darth Vader, failing to turn his former apprentice to the Dark Side, executes her. Her lightsaber crystals are bled by Luke and Leia Skywalker as they swear allegiance to the Dark Side and the Sith.

0 BBY: The Death Star is completed. Alderaan, Chandrila, and Mon Calamari are destroyed.

The Jedi Obi-wan Kenobi is defeated once and for all in a desperate attempt to free Bail Organa on the Death Star.

1 ABY: Prisoners Han Solo and Chewbacca die unceremoniously in an Imperial work camp.

2 ABY: Grand Admiral Thrawn is suspected of plotting against the Emperor. He escapes under mysterious circumstances. Ezra Bridger, having disappeared around this time, is assumed to have been involved.

3 ABY: Grand Master Yoda dies in exile.

4 ABY: Leia Skywalker marries Boba Fett. Luke Skywalker marries Kendalina Escher.

The 2nd Death Star is completed.

7 ABY: Leia Skywalker gives birth to twins Jango Skywalker Fett and Padme Fett Skywalker. The 3rd Death Star is completed.

9 ABY: The 4th Death Star is completed.

10 ABY: Kendalina Escher's surrogate gives birth to her and Luke's son, Wulff Skywalker.

11 ABY: Kendalina Escher's surrogate gives birth to her and Luke's second son, Cade Skywalker.

13 ABY: The 5th Death Star is completed.

14 ABY: The 6th Death Star is completed.

15 ABY: Darth Sidious and Darth Vader discover the secret to immortality, restoring themselves to their physical primes.

17 ABY: The 7th Death star is completed.

20 ABY: The 8th and final Death Star is completed. At 60 Super Star Destroyers, the star Dreadnought program is also considered complete.

25 ABY: Ilum is renamed the Eye of Nihilus, and its superweapon revealed. Darth Sidious makes his identity known, and all Imperial Forces effectively worship the Sith Eternal Emperor Darth Sidious and his Wrath Incarnate Darth Vader as gods. Dissenters quietly desert, or else keep their opinion to themselves.

29 ABY: The Eye of Malak is completed.

32 ABY: The Eye of Andeddu is completed.

35 ABY: The Eye of Vitiate is completed.

39 ABY: The Eye of Plagueis is completed. This is considered the final Starkiller type superweapon.

Darth Vader kneels, "Master, it was Rael... the Gand from Malachor. He was last seen retreating into the unknown regions with Riker Alden and Rhid Belessk."

His Master looks down from the throne, "This is not the whole story though, is it?"

"No. The Rael I knew was broken... weak... and I'd be surprised if he's even still alive. He fell to the Dark side and never came back, as far as I know. The Rael I met on Dantooine was strong in his conviction and a Master of the Light. He was clad in armor that repelled all damage and carried a sword imbued with power like nothing I've ever seen. The soldiers with him were not savage scoundrels that had been living in the wilderness for decades, but young fierce warriors. They reminded me of the best of our Stormtroopers in many ways. It was like the Rael and his rebels were completely different people.

"He stood up to my power with the sword and the armor, and protected his men from mine by opening gateways to other planets. By the time I caught him faster than his sword could recharge to create another gateway, he was holed up on Tatooine. When my forces were about to overwhelm him, another gateway opened, and they stepped through, this time vanishing without a trace. 

"This last gateway was the most interesting of all, as he didn't open it. It was someone beyond, and when it opened, I found myself cut off from the force. I could not sense beyond, and it was too far to see what was going on on the other side of the Gateway, but some of my troopers described a 6 armed 6 winged golden man floating about the ground."

The Emperor leans back, "That does sound unusual. Even after securing the World Between Worlds, I'm afraid we never found anything to explain that. Perhaps your comment was correct... that he isn't the Rael we know, but another Rael."

"How is this possible?"

"The World Between Worlds bends time and space within our universe, but if there is another universe out there, and if there is a way to traverse these parallel universes, a visitor could come through without warning. I will begin searching for a way to send our own incursions back to the offending universe. If any other visitors step through, see that they are dealt with, and prepare strike teams to make use of their gateways... if possible."

Big Boss remarks, "It sounds like everything went wrong in that timeline. What's more, I think they could even be a threat to the peace we've made here. Even if they don't find a way back, I can't just leave them like that when I have the power to change it."

Erika says, "You can't just leave this world behind, not so soon. The Sun Doctrine is fragile enough as it is.  If people find out you're not even here, the Empire and Republic will destroy each other."

Big boss responds, "The Empire and the Republic will fight their war whether I'm here or not. If anything, my body is too powerful to enforce the Sun Doctrine. If I can just undo anything that goes too far, what reason do they have not to just see what they can get away with? No, my absence will remain secret for long enough, and by the time they realize I'm gone, they'll be ready to start their war anyway.

"But when we get to that other universe, I can't just go in and solve all the problems myself. Rael, you must stay here. There's nothing for you there. Lady Erika however, you still have conflicts you couldn't resolve here... perhaps you can resolve them there? You and I will go. We'll make things right there, and set them on the path to make things right for themselves. Master Rael... keep an eye on things until we get back."

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