07| "solitude"

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I didn't updated for a long time so another chapter•

Taking his quick steps to pass away his husband and another of his so called mistress ,his body and the baby in his hands were wrenched backwards feeling a hold on his wrist as he let out a yelp, securing his baby tightly in his arms. He swinged at his right just to get banged in a hard chest.

"O-oh m-my God J-jeon-gguk" Taehyung said looking up to see the devils eyes-- Wait....this time those eyes didn't hold hatred, it held.....a strange emotion....a durable emotion.......
"Take her" Jeon-gguk told maid referring to Yeonmi who was sucking her milk bottle the maid immediately took the child as Jeon-gguk held both of taehyung's wrist and started dragging him to his room...
"W-wait" Taehyung lowly screamed but Jeon-gguk still dragged him as they reach his room he entered pressing the door close, pinning taehyung to the door and coming dangerously close. Taehyung again got scared tilting his face and closing his eyes shut.

Yah why are you scared of him!' Taehyung's wolf questioned him

He's scary...taehyung replied

He's your mate Taehyung, look at him before he gets mad and fucks you all rough.

Loyan was always against the violence he and taehyung had to face but because taehyung's innocence and fear he couldn't help but to stay silent.

Taehyung slowly looked up, Jeon-gguk's eyes spilling draggers inside him, this was weird taehyung thought Jeon-gguk had to fuck or pleasure himself that's why he brought him here.
"Don't you feel it..." Taehyung shivered as he heard the most intimidating voice in his life. He looked down but soon a finger lifted his chin up. The older's look was much softer than before.
"Hmm? Do you feel it?, do you feel pain when you see me with someone else....do you?"

"Wh-what Al-alpha? " Taehyung asked Jeon-gguk

Jungkook un-pinned taehyung as he made his way towards a giant window in the back of his room. The sun rays hitting his face as the once gloomy face shined brightly.

"You don't.." Alpha asked still facing the window taehyung was not able to answer that. He just blankly stared at his hands. As he looked up he saw Jeon-gguk turning around his eyes.....No....they held anger. He took dangerous steps towards taehyung again gripping him tightly.

"Why don't you...WHY DON'T YOU FEEL HURT WATCHING YOUR HUSBAND IN SOMEONE ELSE'S ARMS!?....why you don't do anything when you know you're the luna of the pack, why you let others stay near what you should be claiming yours..?"
He shouted vigorously shaking the Omega. The Omega finally looked up, the same draggers the older poured in his eyes, this time the latter did so.

"Do I stand a choice Alpha?".....and there it was the dead silence, taehyung's teary eyes staring up at Jeon-gguk, Jeon-gguk's grip loosening as his body stiffened. The wind forced the windows open as the white silk curtains flew from the strong pressure. The air smelling fresh and minty, a thousand emotions mixed in the same air, nor did the coldness effect them neither did the rank order And there stood the strongest being the weakest and the weakest being the strongest.

Short one I'm lazy hehe..


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