Stiles goes from a dragon to a ladybug prince

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Stiles let out a laugh as he chased a little girl wearing a cardboard dragon head. He didn't babysit as often anymore but he was still many parents number one call during an emergency.

Watching kids kept his mind running in a good way. He wasn't forced to focus on just one thing like any other teenage job. Each kid was different and Stiles adored them all.

Even if he ended up with a sore back when he the younger ones demanding piggy back rides or for him to become some sort of animal they want to ride.

With a roar Stiles lifted the giggling girl into the air. "I think it's time for the princess to get changed! No dirty gowns for royalty here!" Putting her on his shoulders he marched into the house.

About three hours later with the house clean except for a few scattered drawings Stiles and the 'princess' sat on he couch watching a movie.

"We're home!" Stiles got up as the young girl ran over to her mother and father.

"I can't thank you enough for coming over so last minute Stiles. I know how you teens get so busy in the later years. We'll get out of your hair now. Here's sixty five." The woman gave Stiles the cash distractedly before shooing him out with a smile. "Go be a reckless teenager Stiles!"

Waving goodbye Stiles walked towards his jeep. About five hours of his day gone and he didn't regret a moment of it.

Stiles felt the smile slide off his face as he read his most recent texts. The pack needed him to research something again. Scott, and as much as Stile sobs him this was just getting old, was bailing on him again. His dad sent him a text that he'll be staying at the station again.

Turing around Stiles saw the little girl waving at him. With a sad smile he waved back before driving off.

Maybe Scott and Allison weren't a thing anymore but with being the popular captain of the team Scott was invited to things. Maybe he and his dad's relationship wasn't as tensed but it seems like his father was always looking for a reason to stay away. And the pack? He adored them but they included him less.

Stiles knew none of them were doing it on purpose. He was human and he didn't need to be there for most things, or he wasn't that great of a player that people cared to remember his name, or he was the kid that was a nightmare for a parent who had to deal with him 24/7.

On the bright side with all his free time he could babysit more and earn more money for college...and other things that don't need to be mentioned.

He was allowed to buy nerdy and geeky things okay???

—a few days later—

Stiles didn't see the fucking army of tiny children heading his way until he was laying on the ground with all of them on top of with.

There was a birthday party at the park and just about the whole pack, adults included, were there as well today.


"I missed you!"

"I didn't know you were coming!"

"There's cake Stiles! Cake! C'moooon my mama can get us some!"

"Will you play a game with us?"

"Ooo let's play cowboys! Stiles can be our horse!"

"I want to be a princess!"

"Well I want to be a dragon!"

Stiles groaned as he sat up slightly. The kid on his chest slid down slightly with a giggle. Stiles ignored the parents that were rushing over in alarm and the pack hovering near by.

"I'm not sure I can play horse today. Not when I'm trapped under a Princess with the most beautiful gown, the friendliest dragon of the land, and a bunch of other creatures! Oh how I wish I had a brave knight to save me!" Stiles gave Lennie a small wink as she let out a shriek before grabbing her cardboard sword that he helped her make a week ago.

"Off I say! Off the uh-" Lennie trailed off as the kids exchanged glances before nodding. Which Stiles wants to point out is both creepy and adorable.

"Off the ladybug prince!" Stiles let out a startled laugh at that. By now all the parents, the pack, and a few others who were near by were staring.

"Ah yes, it is I the ladybug prince! And I need my heroic knight to save me!"  The kids burst into giggles before they started to play fight while Leo ran around Stiles while pretending to breathe fire.

About ten minutes later he had the 'knight' climbing on his shoulders claiming victory.

"Alright my small army of tiny gremlins it's tome to get back to that birthday party! Go on I'll see you next week Aron!" Stiles shook his head softly before turning to the group of parents.

"I'm sorry for that Stiles-"

"Those kids just love you-"

"Never seen my son run so fast! Not even when it's ice cream night!"

"Think you'll ever do birthday parties kid? I'd pay a whole lot if you could come over next month for Sally's birthday and distract the kids with some games." Stiles stood in front of the parents awkwardly. He could feel his face heating up as the talked.

It wasn't until someone cleared their throat that they noticed the others.

"Oh! Sheriff! How are you? I have to ask what your secret is because this one turned out really well. I swear he's our little miracle! He was the only babysitter that ever got Ella to fall asleep at bedtime and change into different clothes when dirty!" Before his dad could reply or he could try to move the conversation to something else, literally anything else except him, another parent started talking.

"Sheriff I didn't even know my kid wanted to dance instead of karate! I've never seen my kid happier!"

"My dad had to go to the hospital the other day for an emergency checkup and Stiles was an absolute savior when he offered to watch the twins until I got back. He even refused the money!" Stiles leaned on the back of his feet as he rubbed as his neck awkwardly.

"Your kid has a promising future that's for sure. With the way all the parents who've hired him talk about him at work or to our own families his name has definitely become known to a few higher ups that can help him get into a good college or get a good job." And that was something Stiles definitely wasn't expecting.

One of them must have seen his startled expression. "Oh sweetheart! You didn't know? My cousins one of the professors at a college and she's started talking about you because of how much I talk about you. Well we will leave you lot alone. It doesn't take much for this skids to recharge!"

The parents waved bye to Stiles and the others before walking back towards the small birthday party. A few parents running and screaming their kids name as well.

Turning around Stiles found he others looking at him in disbelief. "What? With all the free time I have I might as well do something useful and earn some cash."

Stiles missed the pained look that crossed his fathers face. He missed the guilty looks on the packs face. He missed the sad realization on Scott's face.

None of them really realized how much Stiles had been pushed away. None of them noticed the way he always had a kid waving wildly at him or a parent giving him a smile.

They'd do better. Stiles deserves better. And if a whole army of tiny children came up to them and demand they treat "their Stiles" right well no one needed to know that.

Although it certainly made everyone very aware that children are absolutely terrifying especially when Stiles is their babysitter.

Okay this popped in my mind and I know I've done one similar but babysitter Stiles should be more popular.

One shots of Stiles Stilinski BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now