Stiles gets a date and Scott skips out of a room

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Stiles didn't really know how to come out. He didn't think anyone would believe him. Which made no sense because he was perfectly happy with telling someone if a male looked hot or if a female looked hot. And then his dad caught him and Scott at the jungle.

He tried to say something. But his dad just say he couldn't be gay. And the funny thing was that he wasn't gay. He was bi. It's not he chose this. And it hurt. It hurt when no one bothered to listen or take him seriously.

So time went by and Stiles never actually told anyone but he didn't exactly hide it. But now he's stuck in this situation and why did the world hate him? Was his rambling that bad?

Sitting with the pack at lunch someone walked over and starting hitting on...Danny? At least that's what Stiles thought at first along with everyone else. Lydia gave the boy an unimpressed look. "Sorry he's taken. Can you leave Danny alone now?"

Stiles looked up from his book wondering if the mystery boy would argue or look like he was about to wet his pants.

Instead he looked amused?

"Danny? I wasn't talking to him. Although that would explain why Stiles was ignoring me. So how about it babe? You and me Wednesday night for a movie and maybe we can go back to my place. My parents won't be home." The boy who Stiles realized was Nathan from Lit was leaning against the table looking at him with a grin.

Stiles was aware of all the other students that were looking at him now. Scott have Nathan a confused look. "Uh dude? He's straight sorry to disappoint." Nathan snorted and looked back at Stiles who was blushing and sinking in his seat slightly.

"Stiles? Straight? Yeah okay. I've literally never met anyone who's the exact definition of disaster bi. Unless I'm making assumptions?" Nathan gave Stiles a questioning look.

Stiles sunk lower in his seat. "Uh no. No you didn't. I'm uh a stereotypical bisexual. I just haven't- I mean I'm not not out. I just I mean I never said the words out loud but uh yeah I think I'm free for Wednesday? I just- uh here's my number and I'll text sometime today to let you know." Stiles knew he was tripping over his words but Nathan accepted his answer gave him a smile and left.

And then he realized his surroundings. Everyone in town would know before he even got home.

"Stiles? Why did you never tell us? Me?" Scott asked looking at Stiles with hurt.

"I did! Sorta- I mean- I just- I never like came out came out but I've always noticed boys and girls and you know that. I just always thought everyone knew. But that night at the jungle and dad said- and he wasn't wrong. He wasn't. Cause I'm not gay I'm bi. But I guess I just never saw the point in making it a big deal? I'm still Stiles y'know?" Before Stiles could blink Scott grabbed him in a tight hug.

"I'm sorry I didn't pay attention dude. We're still good right?" Stiles made a high pitched noise at the back of his throat and tried to answer. "It's o-kaay. Don- worrieee! Scoottttt caN bethe!" Scott let go Stiles with a bashful smile and Stiles gasped for air.

"Yeah it's okay dude you know that. Just don't hug me that tight anytime soon." Stiles didn't realize the others were exchanging slightly guilty looks but before anyone else could apologize the bell rang.


Stiles stared at the text he got from his dad during class.

We need talk once you get home. I'm taking the rest of the day off. The others can come after we talk.

Stiles groaned quietly. He still felt the confused stares of nearly everyone. It's not his fault everyone assumed he was straight because he was interested in Lydia for the longest time. She had a boyfriend now and he wasn't going to be miserable.

Besides he did check out other guys even when he did still like her!

"Stiles. Stiles. Stiles!" Danny hissed causing Stiles to lift his head and raise his eyebrow at him."What? Dude you know how Mrs. Lawrence get's!" Stiles have Danny a exasperated look before turning away.

Danny hissed at Stiles and looked up at the ceiling with a look of disbelief. "Why? Why me?" Stiles ignored Danny and continued his work not noticing the way his friends made a strangling gesture behind his back and huffed in disbelief.

He did notice Erica slamming the classroom door open startling over half the class. Stiles felt his eyebrows raise when her eyes landed on him. Her crazed wild eyes that made him want to run.

Behind him Danny groaned threw his hands in the air and slammed his head on the desk mumbling something about stupid werewolves having no patience.

"I need Stiles for something. And Danny! Uh they'll be back in a bit I just-" Erica narrowed her eyes when Mrs. Lawrence signed and shook her head.

"No. I need to talk to Stiles after class and it's important he stays in class to do so. Danny you may go." Danny glared at Erica as he grabbed his stuff but before he left he whispered to Stiles. "After class meet me and the others. I-I'm sorry by the way."

That's what they wanted to talk about? His sexuality? Stiles shoved his face in his hands. Out of all the things it had to be this.

Once he finished talking to Mrs. Lawrence about tutoring a few students he left. Before he could go to his locker a hand grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him inside a mostly empty classroom.

Stiles looked at the pack and groaned. Running a hand through his hair he gave them all a look of disbelief. "Seriously? Could this have no waited? Alright screw it. Hi my name is Stiles Stilinski and I'm bisexual. No I haven't actually said it out loud until today really. Yes I knew for awhile. Was I in the closet? Depends on how you look at it. I wasn't hiding my sexuality guys but I didn't outright say it so don't get all weird on me now."

Everyone stared at Stiles with shocked faces except Scott who was smirking and of course he'd figure it out because Scott knew Stiles and oh shit.

"You know that makes sense especially when-ow! Dude! Chill! I'm not going to say anything! Jeesh. Now let's go to your dads and then my mom's since they both probably want to talk and I will be your emotional support." Scott gave Stiles a grin and skipped, yes skipped out.

"Did he just fucking skip out of the room?" Jackson mumbled looking at the opened door where Scott just left with a loot of amusement and confusion on his face.

"Look we can talk about this later if we still need to but I better leave. Hey uh calm Derek down in case he wants to rip my throat out with his teeth will ya?" Stiles asked walking away backwards before shooting the group finger guns.

"Holy shit. Him and Derek! That makes so much sense now!" Erica whispered before laughing gleefully.

So I might do a part two I might not depending on what you guys want because this can also just be an open ending since daddy Stilinski and mama McCall will accept him and who are we kidding Melissa probably knew. Anyways I will have a new chapter soon about sleep deprived Stiles in school and it might be funny or full of angsty or both who knows.

One shots of Stiles Stilinski BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now