Scott Roar 5x10 but my verison

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Stiles has never felt this type of fear until now, not until he was seeing Scott on the floor with Mason looking defeated at his side.

No, Stiles thought, no no no. Not Scott please not Scott.

"Scott!" Stiles yelled as he ran towards the other two teens.

"No, no no no," Stiles chanted, his voice pleading as he knelt by his best friend.

Scott's face was covered in blood, his eyes were closed and he chest wasn't moving. This was wrong, Scott wasn't supposed to look like this. Scott was supposed to get up, with a strained smile sure, but he was supposed to get up.

Stiles glanced up at Mason before looking down at Scott again. He desperately tried to remember everything his dad and Melissa had taught him and Scott about cpr.

"Okay, okay," Stiles whispered as he shakily places his hands over Scott's chest.

Thirty compressions and two breathes five times, thirty compressions and two breathes five times, thirty compressions and two breathes five times, Stiles thought to himself.

"1...2..3..4..5," Stiles counted as he pressed his hands into the other boys chest.

"What are you...what are you doing?" Mason asked.

Stiles glanced up, "Bringing him back," he said.

He had to bring him back. Scott had to come back. It couldn't end here, not like this. Not now.

"He hasn't had a pulse in fifteen minutes," Mason said, his eyes held pity and sympathy in them.

Stiles felt hot boiling rage flare up inside him, he didn't care how long it's been because this was Scott McCall and he wasn't allowed to die.

"You can't bring someone back," Mason croaked, his voice heavy with emotion.

Distantly Stiles felt bad for the other boy, he didn't deserve to carry this weight on his shoulders. He didn't deserve to have to deal with any of this. Mason could have had a normal life, but he stuck with his best friend just like Stiles did.

Just like Stiles would continue to do so.

"He's not just someone! He's my best friend, he's the dumbass who had asthma and decided the lacrosse team was perfect for him. He's the idiot who trust too much and wears his heart on his sleeve. He's the fucking idiot who risks his life for everyone no matter what." Stiles said desperately.

"He's an alpha, he's the true alpha! He's Scott McCall and he isn't going to die! He doesn't get to die, so come on you fucking asshole," Stiles sobbed and realized he was talking to Scott now.

He leaned down and lifted Scott's chin up, he gave the werewolf two breathes before continuing to give him compressions.

"Don't you die on me! You don't get to do this, c'mon Scott, don't give up, please don't give up," Stiles begged.

"Breathe, breathe dammit!" Stiles yelled.

Scott couldn't die. He couldn't die. God, please don't let him die, Stiles thought desperately.

Mason opened his mouth again, "Stiles, stop"

"No! Just- just shut up Mason. He's not dying. He is not dying. You hear that McCall? I'm not letting you die so you better start breathing, don't you give up on me McCall! Breath!" Stiles yelled.

"C'mon Scotty, I've seen you walk away from the impossible. You've survived the craziest and worst things imaginable don't you dare give up on me now" Stiles pleaded.

"Come on, come on, come on, roar buddy. I need you to roar. Even if it's as weak and terrible as the first time you tried to do it. Scott please," Stiles begged.

He lifted his hands high over his head and slammed them back down on the werewolf's chest.

The response was immediate, Scott's eyes opened and turned ruby red, his mouth bared with fangs and his chest rose. A roar came from his lips, loud and powerful, Stiles and Mason both found themselves being pushed back slightly.

"Oh god, oh thank god," Stiles whispered.

Stiles let out a sob as tackled Scott, "You fucking asshole," he whispered harshly.

"You fucking goddamn idiot!" Stiles cried.

And Scott clung back to him just as desperately, neither looked at Mason or even each other. They clung to each other with their chests heaving and faces streaked with tears.

"I'll kill you myself if you ever do that to me again," Stiles swore tearfully.

Things weren't anywhere near okay, they wouldn't be for awhile. Stiles knew he'd be waking up in a cold sweat for months after dreaming of this night. But that was okay, he would go through that and so much more because Scott was alive and that's what mattered.

His best friend, his brother, the boy who ran up to Stiles in the playground while wheezing and asked if he wanted to play, the very same boy who put his heart into everything and was far too good for their shitty life, the same boy who Stiles knew he would do just about anything for.

He was alive, he was breathing despite every textbook and scientist and doctor that would say it should be impossible.

"I'm okay, I'm okay Stiles," Scott whispered.

I had to watch the real scene several times. So this is 5x10 and it's actually Melissa who brings Scott back but at request I've made it where Stiles does so instead. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed it!!

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